A fun question I thought of

  • VoldemortsHorcrux@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Took Champix(anti smoking) for about 6 months, has known side effect of weird dreams.

    Thought people were over exaggerating. they were not. The first night a bear is trying to chase me and eat me. Constant intense dreams of people trying to kill me/hunt me.

    The last night I took it, dreamt my extended family and I were on vacation, on our way to a concert. Suddenly terrorists were shooting at everyone with machine guns, everyone’s running like crazy, somehow the terrorists get up in to cranes and started throwing cars around smashing into buildings. Chaos.

    Find refuge in a bar, having a conversation with someone trying to help me find my family, she says ‘you look really stressed, do you want a cigarette?’ I accept the offered gift of calm, smoked it and woke up.

    Champix did help me reduce smoking alot but man those were intense dreams.