For context: Stickermule sure had a hissie fit when Trump got grazed. But they sure don’t seem to have any problems with it happens to anybody else.

    2 months ago

    When I’m driving, I really don’t appreciate those hyper-realistic decals, stickers that depict the back door of the moving van being open. With shit and/or people inside. From a distance & at first glance, I look & see a security risk. I look closer & I’m like, what is this nonsense?? Oh. It’s just a sticker.

    And I can see pretty well; I am able to look closer & see it’s not real. But what about people that can’t see as well? Or aren’t very intelligent but are allowed to drive anyway? There are plenty of those.

    I just see a low-key shock/deception ad that could potentially induce panic. Not very smart. Shouldn’t be legal, honestly.