You’ve got to let the police do their jobs, number one. Number two, you have to do a policy of stop and frisk. When you see a guy coming down the street and you can — the police know every one of them. They know their middle name. They know where they live. They know every one of them, the local police, and they’re great.

You got to let them do their job, stop and frisk, and take their gun away. You’ve got to do it. If somebody has because they have all these guns — you know, it’s very interesting, the toughest gun law, the toughest, by far, in the whole United States is in Chicago, and yet it’s the most — it’s —

Let all your Republican 2Aer friends and family know.

    1 month ago

    Every time I read a quote from this idiot it hurts my brain. I could go on about how stop and frisk is a horrible, racist policy that is a violation of basic rights, but just reading anything he says is painful. His speech is so jarring, erratic, and logically flawed. I’ve listened to average second graders express their thoughts more eloquently than this piece of garbage.

      1 month ago

      My niece was 2 years old when she said “Uncle, I’m scared of the dark, but juice is in there.”

      And she wanted one of those capri-sun juice packs. I told her there’s nothing to be scared of in the garage. She can leave the door open so she can see what she’s doing, but she should get the juice herself.

      I expected to have to turn on the light, and maybe even get the juice for her, but I wanted to see how long until she asked for help.

      Well, she was still scared, but she walked all the way in, picked up 2 juice packs, and came back inside.

      I asked what the 2nd juice pack was for. She said “I got one for you!”

      It was the proudest I’d ever been as an uncle. I taught her to face her fears, and in doing so she showed that even when scared she still thinks of others.

      Which is more than I can say for trump and his way of thinking. He would have made the story into some self serving story where he battles a monster in the dark, and slayed a dragon, and everybody loves him. Meanwhile what actually happened is he got some underling to bring him the juice because he was too scared.

      Whereas my neice faced her fear, overcame it, and thought of others while doing it. THATS real bravery! And more human growth than trump has ever displayed. Plus I actually understood what she was trying to convay. They may have been short sentences, but they were complete sentences. Plus they didn’t drift off halfway into some racist rant. Mostly because she isn’t racist and is raised better than that.

        1 month ago

        “My juice packs are the best juice packs. I was just talking to the inventor of the juice pack, Hannibal Lector, the other day and he says to me. He says, “Donnie,” he calls me Donnie because we’re that close, Hannibal Lector and I. So Hannie, I call him Hannie because we’re, like super duperly close, closer than brothers. So he, Hannibal Lector, inventor of the juice pack, he says, “Donnie, you always have the best juice packs. I don’t know how you do it, but yours are the best juice packs, and that’s why you should be president for life.” Very smart man, Hannibal Lector. Really, really smart.”