Take this with a lot of salt as Christopher Hill (amerikkkan ambassador to Serbia) has literally come out saying america straight up isn’t putting sanctions on NIS as vucic has previously claimed. But don’t let this distract you from the fact that this same man sold the Yugoslav military general staff building that was bombed by americans, left in its bombed state as a commemoration of the victims of the bombing as well as a showcase of american imperialism to JARED FUCKING KUSHNER
China outcompeting the EU, Volkswagen and other companies having massive layoffs in Germany, Germany itself not even having a government and the far-right becoming stronger after terror attacks
Here’s my last post about the protest in Serbia since the thread got locked
@[email protected] They were coopted in years past by the neolib opposition, but this one is the initiative of the students, so the likelihood of it happening is pretty slim (at least not by the opposition). Also, as far as I’m aware, occupy was just camping on wall street, not literally obstructing government institutions from working like it’s happening here.
@[email protected] I’ll probably do a write-up when I get my bearings in order. As for the universities, I don’t think it makes a difference as long as there exists a mechanism by which students can legally organize and close it down in protest.
What I forgot to mention is that the protest was attended by some 100k people, one of the largest in Serbia ever. Oh, and here’s eurofucks getting what they deserve
deleted by creator
Not one EU flag in sight, just people enjoying the moment
Not that I’ve caught your attention, I want to make a mini write-up about the situation in Serbia. There have been pretty massive protests ever since a train station canopy in Novi Sad fell and killed 15 people, due to inexcusable government negligence. When the news first came up, they said that it happened because they forgot to renovate it, despite the fact that videos came up of them literally fencing off the area and working on it lmao. People immediately started protesting against the government and asked for transparency regarding the technical documentation of the renovation, which Vucic didn’t want to provide. The students started honoring the victims by blockading streets for 15 minutes (for 15 victims) each day on 11:52 AM exactly (the time the tragedy happened). Vucic thought he was hot shit and did his classic move of getting his masked thugs to beat up and disperse the protesters. This, in a surprising twist, ended up backfiring spectacularly and instead emboldening the students in their message, where now they held plenums and in agreement with their professors ended up blockading their respective universities. The majority of them are now blockaded, and almost every famous Serbian singer, dancer, athlete, writer and actor has ended up voicing their uncritical support for the protests and blockades.
And if you thought this was a color revolution in any way, here’s our good friend amerikkkan ambassador Christopher Hill seen in a bus that Vucic rode today to showcase him building more roads, this time the work of a usasian company named Bechtel.
On the other hand, this is a pretty interesting move from the students with this letter, but since I figure this wouldn’t work in since all their education is privatized, I’d really like to hear from someone familiar with or colleges, with Macron appointing his 15th prime minister (along with racist rants) and Magdenburg being pretty valid reasons for them to do this rn. Like maybe I’m crazy, but I figure sending this letter to Hasan would be a pretty effective way of getting their plight out there, since traditional media from anywhere isn’t covering this shit at all.
Or TL:DR - watch Yugopniks stream (skipped to the part where he talks about it, along with the political background). Also tell me if I should do an actual in detail write up about the political situation, because even the shit Yugo says in the stream doesn’t cover even half of it.
They can do that shit but still can’t make me not dread the day I have to update their proprietary piece of shit driver on linux
It’s not git gud elitism, in fact what spurred me to make this post was those fuckers appearing everywhere I went when I had any complaints whatsoever about this game.
There’s a difference between reusing some assets for graphics, enemies and the such, and reusing something that is supposed to be the bread and butter of the experience you want to present to the player. Like, the System Shock Remake pretty much reuses the same fucking boss every single time lmao, yet I think that game is absolutely amazing. Again, boss fights aren’t central to the experience System Shock offers. FromSoftware has set a precedent in their other games where most of their boss fights each felt unique and challenging, but fair. Not every boss is like this, but most of them are. In this game, bosses feel more like just another mob/NPC encounter (probably because a worrying amount of them are). Not a unique challenge you know you’re gonna have to take some time to master, but just another roadblock you bump into that you instantly forget even existed.
I’ve heard that, but at the same time when I did use them, it honestly just felt too easy and mindless. Instead of actually learning their attacks, it mostly just felt like endless spamming whilst the summon takes the brunt of the damage for you.
I mean sure, it’s technically possible to beat the game on sl1, but even those people use mostly broken builds, as far as I could see. The bosses just aren’t fun anymore, it’s all about waiting for the boss to do his 50 hit combo, and if it’s an attack where he can input read you attack, he just chains into another one and you’re just fucking dead. Just feels like the middle class has been extinguished, you’re either a souls pro who does a no-hit, sl1 run of the whole franchise in 1 go for fun, or you’re a newcomer fine with just using spirit summons to do work (not judging people who do this, just personally not the way I wanna play). After every fight in the other games, while there was some bs, I mostly felt like me dying was my own mistake, and me actually beating the boss was rewarding. In Elden Ring, it felt like the me dying was mostly some bs, and me beating the boss left me mostly empty.
I really didn’t like my experience with Elden Ring, since it’s more about optimizing builds at this point than just that classic learn the pattern and punish soulsborne has been known for. This seems like even further straying from that formula, which makes it just another game in a medieval action rpg genre, no different than the rest. Not to mention that I’m really not looking forward to fighting bosses I already beat in the other games. Just seems like they found their cash cow and are milking it for all it’s worth at this point.
Eh, it screams enshittification to me, but we’ll see
Which would be fine if I didn’t see fucking nameless king in the game lmao. Like, I’m 100% sure the bosses are just gonna be mostly copied from the other games. I mean they fucking copied a regular boss of the main game as a DLC boss in Elden Ring, let alone a game where they can justify their blatant laziness. I’m moreso making fun of the delulu git gud fanboys who defend their laziness with bs excuses such as lore.
Someone pinch me if I’m dreaming, but did I just watch fucking Soulsborne Infinity war?
Masterpiece? I’m playing through it right now and honestly, I would rather take the other two souls game I played (DS3 and 2) over Elden Ring any day of the week. If you haven’t played it, I recommend you don’t buy into the fanboy hype about it being “one of the best games of all time”. I made that mistake, and whilst it sounded like a sound take at the beginning of the game with the novelty of the open world, QoL changes and a horse, once all of that newfound charm wears off and you enter the end game where people legit have to respec just to beat one fucking boss because the game is ridiculously unbalanced and the boss design is objectively trash, you quickly begin to realize that giving this game GOTY inspite of its quite blatant flaws was a major fucking mistake.