Et il n’a même pas besoin de se confondre en excuses, ses lèche-bottes se chargent de tout ! Mais ouais, je comprends les gars, c’est pas un salut nazi, il a pas son AOC.
I’m doing my part manually 😛
Mais non 🤣
Elmo qui tire la chasse sur la subtilité et le déni plausible alors que la journée n’est même pas terminée…
Reste à voir s’ils vont l’assumer ou tenter de retomber sur leurs pattes.
“Never again will the immense power of the state be weaponized to persecute political opponents”
That use of “transgender ideology” without a hint of irony
Look agan
I did! It’s a Siberian river apparently. What about it? 🤓
Argh, tu m’as devancé vilain bonhomme ! 😛
Un petit coin pour se défouler, ça va être utile dans les jours qui viennent si l’adepte de la bombe de peinture orange tient ses promesses.
Next time they’ll move back to reddit, just you wait 🤣
Report it then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Community rule 1 is there for something.
Honestly, that’s the goal.
I had a brief exchange with resident marxist preacher, the one and only @Cowbee about Pooh, followed what’s been said in other threads, and concluded that, if it can be that easily interpreted as racist, the symbol needs to be changed.
I’m not getting my hopes too high, but if I could contribute to trigger something about that…
“By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
Or at the very least @kaprap, make a similar thread in [email protected], it’ll give them a chance to speak for themselves.
Your right-wingers might be less straight-forward than mine 😅
But I stress it: insulting Xi’s intelligence (and I think you have an idea of what kind of terms they used) was a strong factor for them, whereas, ironically enough in a way, using the yellow color of Pooh didn’t occur to them.
For having had the “pleasure” of discussing the topic with the kind of people you’re talking about, the kind of assholes that wouldn’t be shy about using racist slurs while looking you straight the in the eyes, the color was never brought up. It was all about the “censorship” on one hand (if he hates it, I’ll just do it more), and just a way to demean Xi by comparing him to a, let’s politely paraphrase, a simple-minded character on the other. It’s anecdotal, but I think that it’s nonetheless why this particular comparison broadly stuck in the end.