Someone should set up a campaign group named Citizens For Integrity In Think Tanks to tackle this pressing issue.
Someone should set up a campaign group named Citizens For Integrity In Think Tanks to tackle this pressing issue.
Saw the AI illustration, will pass on reading the article.
Would this not be a crime against Hong Kong’s draconian new national-security laws nowadays?
The site’s popularity with geezers who frequent flat-roofed pubs, however, has never been higher.
You’d probably get prosecuted for terrorism if you tried that, just on vibes
The problem is that Reform UK is not a political party as such, but a privately held company. Unless Musk has persuaded the owners to sell their shares to him, he legally doesn’t get a say.
They could always try koalanging the name, i.e. r/GreenMario or similar
They had the fucking around, now comes the finding out
Poland is the Iceland of calendar units
In the Trusk era, the racism will be seen as a bonus.
I loved the original and the Ezio titles, found the American Revolution one ran a little too much on rails (here you ride with Paul Revere, and here’s an unskippable ghost-train ride of a sequence where you have to shoot some goons; meh), and found the Victorian London one a bit dull. I haven’t yet played Black Flag, but may do so next, given that people rate it, though am not excited by any more recent ones.
I wonder if the Post will elevate another, more pliant, cartoonist to take her place and draw about the news whilst careful to not skewer the powerful, or instead decide that this is about Innovation, and from now on, cartoons will be AI-generated?
Does he want that hundred million or doesn’t he?
Because his views are too similar to the Owners’ chosen candidates’?
Something about this post really churgs my bees
The library in Dalston (a mostly gentrified historically Afro-Caribbean neighbourhood of London) is named after him
He looks like such a happy li’l guy
Maybe when Canada has a referendum on whether to become the 51st state of Trumpland, Quebec can get an option to become the 102nd département of France instead
As someone pointed out last year, a lot of the places with a high proportion of people living to a very old age also have disproportionately low numbers of people dying in their 80s and 90s, poor record keeping, and tough economic conditions that motivate people to bump up their ages to collect their pensions earlier. In Japan in particular, clusters of supercentenarians correlate with places where birth registries were destroyed in WW2 bombing. I wonder whether this is the case here.
Shiloh. Radiohead isn’t terrible, and they’d probably be open to other interesting music, and so may make for better conversation than Crossfit Bro or Engaged Lady.