With the Right, it’s always projection.
There’s a good chance that Musk’s ambitions are to become as powerful as he imagines the Elders of Zion to be.
With the Right, it’s always projection.
There’s a good chance that Musk’s ambitions are to become as powerful as he imagines the Elders of Zion to be.
Anecdotally, cocaine seems to make its users into the worst versions of themselves. Alcohol can have negative effects (the “mean drunk”, drinking as disinhibition for impulsive antisocial behaviour, etc.) though the average drinker is generally not regarded as negatively as the average cokehead. I wonder how much of this is due to the substances’ intrinsic properties and how much due to cultural expectations.
Face-Havers For Leopards
He also expressed concerns about the Gaza operation, while continuing to supply weapons to the IDF, so this should probably be taken as a PR figleaf.
We’ve shat the bed in Europe so much that we’re on Team Trump by default. Starmer of course wants to have it both ways, but when push comes to shove, we’ll be trying to broker a deal over Greenland and hosting Trump Org Gaza property expos.
Wasn’t there an automotive workshop in Poland that was still using a C64 for engine tuning or something?
Well, I did Nazi that coming
Given that Austria has renamed Fucking to Fugging, Wank is probably the best you can do in that part of the world.
She was morally right, though unfortunately that counts for little, as a principle of monarchism is that the subjects don’t have a say in whom they’re ruled by.
It goes on vibes. Historically I’d have said anything with an 8- or 16-bit CPU (NES/SNES, Megadrive, the surfeit of home computers before everyone standardised on beige-box Windows PCs). Nowadays I’d say anything slow enough to be emulated reasonably using present-day technology could be said to be retro, so PS2 would count. If video output is analogue PAL/NTSC, that probably also counts.
There’s always room for a Manchin. I’m guessing the one guy who grabs that ring has it made for life from then on, and in the entire Democratic legislature, the odds of there being no willing takers are essentially zero.
When corporations put fecal matter in the water supply, that’s just the will of the free market and the natural order of things. When you do it, however, all of a sudden it’s “endangerment of life”. Double standard much?
Or at least installing a ROLL COAL button
They dropped the ball by not mentioning Facebook/Instagram, which started out as a place to catch up with people one knew and then bait-and-switched to a slot machine that will show you some random updates from some of them in between all the ads and inspirational AI pink-slime, and maybe let some of them see what you post if you work hard enough at grustling up your clout and feeding the zuckerbots with plenty of juicy psychometric data.
Probably needs a Union Jack on the right as well
Tell me you’re in America without saying you’re in America
Or one could think of the butterfly as a parasite-like other entity that’s always present within the caterpillar and ultimately devours it from inside. The caterpillar doesn’t become a butterfly, it just dies, having fulfilled its life purpose.
North Korea will end up winning it with elaborately choreographed spectacles
Judaeochristian settler states stick together
If Mr. Technogenius hadn’t diverted his engineers to making shitty postapocalyptic cosplay props, walking robots that don’t actually solve any problem, 100% socialism-free subways that don’t work and such, maybe Tesla would have had the capacity to keep up with the BYDs and Geelys and whatever the Germans are doing.