
  • 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I printed a lot of custom stuff that I designed for specific uses in Fusion 360 when I got my computer, and for about two years afterwards. But I don’t have any more custom stuff that needs to be printed, and I don’t have a D&D group any more, so my printer has been sitting for about six months. I’d say it’s a success though, since I made everything I need, and it’ll still be there if I ever need anything else.

  • Eh, it has a lot of powerful tools for computing stuff. Like today I wondered if I can download the songs from a playlist on YouTube, checked the wiki, and within 5 minutes I was doing it. It worked perfectly. The AUR also saves a lot of time building packages that aren’t available through pacman, which means they’re probably not available through other distros either. So you can definitely do more than just fiddle with the OS. But getting it working stable with Nvidia cards right now is like a full time job.

  • Are you using KDE? I’m on a fresh install of Arch with KDE Plasma on my gaming computer and I agree, it’s janky as fuck. I’ve gone through everything I can find about how to deal with the flicker, but it’s still there and it’s an awful experience.

    I have none of these issues on my Arch laptop with Gnome, so I’m going to switch my desktop to Gnome too when I have the time. Plasma is not ready for mainstream use if this is the best that it gets. Gnome however is awesome!

    So, I suggest changing your DE to Gnome. If that doesn’t fix the problem then switch to Pop!_OS. It’s a completely plug and play distro and I never had a single problem with it. I only switched to Arch because I wanted to get HDR support which requires Plasma. Well, it’s not worth it. I can’t even use adaptive sync which is a pretty big deal for gaming.

    Good luck, we’re all counting on you.

    Edit: otherwise Arch is an awesome distro. The power you have with all of the available programs is great! So, now it’s just about getting the screen rendering to be stable.

    7 hours ago

    Awe man! I sure envy you living where turkeys live. We dove 5.5 hours each way to hunt turkeys this spring. They’re beautiful and majestic birds, with absolutely amazing senses of sight and hearing. They seem clumsy, but they can vanish into the woods without ever appearing to hurry. They can fly 50 mph when they want to (which isn’t often). The only reason we can hunt them successfully at all is because they don’t have a good sense of smell. If turkeys could smell as well as deer, then nobody would ever have a successful hunt. They’re sneaky ninja birds that can hide in plain sight, despite being the size of two basketballs stacked on top of each other, and weighing 30 pounds. Anyways, great shot, of a great bird!

    3 hours ago

    Compulsion is the line. Compulsion and destruction. If you ignore your responsibilities to play chess, and you spend all your money on chess sets and tournaments, that’s an addiction. If you love chess and play at every opportunity, but don’t let it get in the way of your responsibilities, and don’t spend your gas money on chess, then that’s a hobby. A lot of Candy Crush and other P2W mobile game players spend more money than they can afford, and they play compulsively, because the game is literally designed to be addictive. There’s a lot of addiction psychology that went into the design of these games, using the same principles that casinos use for slot machines.