already have tailmon in @[email protected] :333
friend did my makeup FINALLY & it’s a lil heartbreaking to see the smoking artschool dropout who never was
oh well time to use my newfound power in completely irresponsible ways
oh dear i shoulda clarified
love the burn, h8 the uti
ok so it turns out ur body won’t care for it much if an alcohol based gel gets into ur peehole
for some reason i rly wanna put on iron maiden’s flight of icarus
oh right i do have some positive news! the hair explody juice we’ve been testing is like super effective as far as my facial hair goes :3
okay i’m gonna use necromancy on this dessicated ol thing cuz hot damn is it ever its time to shine
that would in fact require something beyond “but what about me tho”
unity my ass
i see u blue mage
may i offer u a microscopic violin in these trying times
made a mental note of this thread when it was posted aaand here we are again
good riddance to bad garbage
who woulda thonk the guy who’s now mostly known for reacting to other people’s content would be a reactionary dickhole
consider also : harmonica gag
jfc i feel like my head’s immediately about to explode every time i foolishly venture anywhere outside of this thread. i feel like i keep saying this too. it’s not a jab at anyone / anything in particular, i just genuinely have no fucking idea where to go anymore. my partner & i recently had two promising minority spaces we were already getting comfortable w/ just sorta taken away in the sense that it was all actually run by a cabal of libs whose idea of a safe space is when you throw everyone else under the bus to preserve the genocide thirsters’ freedom of speech or what the fuck ever.
i’m just so fucking tired.
i’m just straight up not gonna bother reporting anything anymore
selfcrit was a mistake
e : like this is straight up dodgy youtuber “i made an oopsie” territory what the goddamn fuck
in retrospect yes those two shoulda been in there somewhere definitely
altho however it might seem i’m not actually trying to speedrun upsetting the entire transfem populace
there was a fairly popular hang out spot near where i grew up called “horny rock.” not sure if it’s like as in heat that animals experience or uhhh due to it being a long standing gathering point for hormonal teenagers
there is a place in f*nland called bear’s asshole. it is in no way the only place w/ a name like this. why yes i have in fact experienced schlong lake.
js the country is a shit hole BUT having just one scientific thing named after a bizarre location there would do a lil bit to redeem it maybe