• 36 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • This was the best of the remix’s that Montana did imo, but he was on fire for a little while there. Wish he could have converted it in to a good album or two, but he only ever seemed to be really good on other people’s beats.

    How come nobody seems to do remix’s like this anymore? It used to be a whole thing but I feel like I don’t see it any more. Maybe I’m just out of touch.

  • This is a point I wish more people understood. People say rap glorifies this street stuff (and it does) and that is why there is so much street violence in some places. But art doesn’t create reality, it reflects it. People make art about what they know and what they see, so of course they rap about it.

    There are exceptions, dudes who didn’t grow up in that life rapping about it, but that is again a reflection of their life. These are guys who were big in to Hip Hop who created art mirroring what they grew up with, which is rap about a violent life style. They are also the exception, not the rule I feel.

  • This album was an embarrassingly large part of me getting in to Hip Hop. It wasn’t my first album, that was The Eminem Show. But I was a little moody for about a year there and the edgy teen I was really identified with a lot of the depression and anger on the album. I still like Eminem now, but I mostly listen to his goofier songs (Real Slim Shady, Without Me, Lock it Up) or anything featuring Swifty McVay. Giving it a re-listen yesterday night I still really liked it, but it is weird to listen to it and not identify with it at all. And some of the lyrics made me kind of uncomfortable knowing I used to rap along with this.

    Favorite songs back in the day would have been Kill You, The Way I Am and Kim. Because I was a vaguely poor teenager and I was mad about it. Looking back at it now though, I found myself really getting in to pretty much the whole album, just not identifying with any of it.

    The only songs I really didn’t enjoy now are Amityville and Kim. Amityville has Bizarre so we all know what went wrong there. Kim is just…too mad. I don’t know why I loved that song so much as a kid, because I had a decent childhood, but looking at it now it is weird. It kind of gives me some insight on my kids I think, seeing the sort of stuff I felt “reflected me” at that age. Hormones man.