“More likely” would imply frequency of false information to overall tweets. Which would be split by political leaning already. The numbers of each side wouldn’t matter much in that case
“More likely” would imply frequency of false information to overall tweets. Which would be split by political leaning already. The numbers of each side wouldn’t matter much in that case
There’s two halves of the company which are currently buying for control with one another
Won’t stop Microsoft from shoving copilot down your throat.
Although this seems far to soon to see a measurable effect. I’m skeptical of this study, despite the result seeming pretty logical.
…except it was bright blue…
Right wing once again proving they’re the real snowflakes.
They will absolutely NOT return it to its open source mission. Why bother lying? This is the least believable group to even try making that statement
Not even gonna try to pretend it isn’t ethnic cleansing…
You literally stormed in here to start raging… About something you later admit you have zero knowledge of.
Just like that “tiny community” that owns a large portion of our media and control all 3 branches of gov…
They have game-interrupting full screen ads? Our just product placement. Because only the former is banned
Elon musk says a lot of things which are objectively not true. Stop pretending like habitual liars are useful sources for factual information
Don’t let facts get in the way of knee jerk reactionaryism
All 3 Lord of the Rings films were all shot at the same time.
This question was about NATIVE LINUX ONLY games. Not just supporting it…
It’s still an argument, given that this historically wasn’t the case. And Mac used to have a bigger share of the pie. Do they even make Mac only games anymore?
But those numbers pretty much prove my point. Unless you’re already set up to be making games specific to a system, there’s no point in starting from scratch to only name something for 1-2% of the market.
If the least used operating system. Why limit your audience to such a small niche to begin with? Game development isn’t cheap. You tend to not want to lock out your chances of recouping that by blocking 90% of potential players
They should have been opposing them for being unqualified and corrupt regardless of his shitty policies…wtf
Hyperlink which went to a different article. Do you not understand how the Internet works? Don’t act like you weren’t wrong when you failed to clarify properly. That’s not on me
So…not in the article, but in a completely different linked article. Got it
The word laser does not appear once in this article.
Well this has been previously tested.