BynarsAreOk [none/use name]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2021


  • Referencing 200 year old history in a random speech is not a war goal any more than a random Ukrainian with an American flag and a history book talking about the American independence war is actualy inspiration for Ukraine’s stand against Russia.

    “There is no state in between. A country is either sovereign or a colony,” he said.

    Where is the lie? He is absolutely correct here, not because he is a Marxist or understands imperialism lol, he just stumbles upon the correct take because it is absolutely obvious to every global south country. Ukraine is not a sovereign country under any measure. Certainly without western help during this war it wouldn’t even be a country anymore amid total economic and social collapse.

  • As a hb user for a long time now I’ll just add my own experience some of you may not realize.

    Even though downvotes are removed it is still quite easy to see at a glance what the majority opinion is just by looking at the vote count. If you see for example

    Comment A: +15

    Comment B: +13

    Comment C(reply to b): +2

    I personaly think it is pretty damn obvious still specialy if C is a “hot take” and even more so if made at the same/close time. You’ll get used to it and requires more diligence from the reader, honestly voting systems are not even close to perfect. You’ll still see the same takes getting high upvotes and bad takes getting low upvotes.

    Downvotes were maybe useful on a large site like reddit where you may wonder between completely different communities and may not know whats the difference between good/bad content but in a centralized community you should learn that difference eventualy therefore a lot of the arguments I’m seeing here(they were made exactly like this back then for us too) do not actualy take into account the simple dynamic; outsiders/wreckers/libs will easily downvote stuff they disagree, but they’ll never upvote. Therefore it eventually becomes just as easy to see these differences. Even though downvotes were removed, the dynamic “moderation” aspect still remains.

    Just my 2c have fun.

  • From where any logical and sane person is sitting, only one side commited a historical blunder of actualy admitting to the media that the Donbas war was a “frozen conflict” when in reality there were already peace agreements between both sides.

    Go complain to Merkel for making you look bad. You don’t have to believe in Russian good faith if you don’t want to, all that is necessary is to admit the actual reality of what happened and what was admitted by the west already.

  • All Russian negotiations rely on the agreement for Ukrane to give up a part of invaded lands. That is not going to happen, especially after Crimea in 2014. Russia has no claim to the lands and any negotiations that require them are a joke.

    What are you even talking about? Seriously what part of terms agreed by Ukraine you didn’t understand? Please for the love of god actualy read about the stuff you’re commenting before replying, thank you.

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]@hexbear.nettoWorld News@lemmygrad.mlPriorities
    8 months ago

    Are you aware there not one but two previous attempts at negotiations that Ukraine purposedly sabotaged on their own? Are you even aware Merkel literaly admitted the Minsk agreements were merely attempts to buy time and prepare Ukraine for war.

    You can read the terms here

    All the more remarkable is her admission that the Minsk agreement served to buy time for Ukraine’s rearmament. “It was clear to all of us that this was a frozen conflict, that the problem had not been solved, but that is precisely what gave Ukraine valuable time,” Merkel told Die Zeit.

    Previously, the Minsk agreement, which Merkel signed together with then-French President François Hollande, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin in September 2014, had been portrayed as an effort towards peace that the Russian president had allegedly later thwarted.

    Now, Merkel confirms that NATO wanted war from the start but needed time to prepare militarily—an assessment WSWS has long held.

    Russia negotiated in good faith while NATO never had any intention of honoring negotiation terms agreed by Ukraine.

    Yes quite literaly if NATO stayed the fuck out of Ukraine there wouldn’t be any war, literaly once again, they purposedly broke the agreements which were meant to prevent war and de-escalate.

    Minsk 1 was in 2014. Then there was a second Minsk agreement in 2015.

    Please for the love of god don’t parachute into this war as if history began in February 2022 I beg you.

  • “[insert random class here] are comically apolitical. They only care about their own [insert activity/property here]. The idea they all work together, as a class to prop up [contemporary social economic system here], is… not plausible”

    Ok so that is the template now replace with the most comical examples you can think of

    -Feudal lords/Castles/Feudalism

    -Roman patricians/Villas/primitive accumulation(or slavery)

    -Catholic Priests/Churches/Catholicism

    So on, you’re right its absolute dumbest shit but it also stems from the complete misunderstanding of what “politics” is as well, I mean what are the chances the random person on the street even knows the actual origin of the word? How many Americans think politics was invented in 1776 or even later?

  • US at grave risk of China tech war retaliation

    The US imported US$33 billion in capital goods from China for electricity generation and distribution in 2022, items that are no longer manufactured in the US.

    Substituting domestic production for these items would entail long lead times and exorbitant costs, industrial officials say. In the event of a full-scale trade war, a Chinese ban on critical components could cripple basic US infrastructure.

    “The vulnerability of supply chains for critical infrastructure is acute and self-inflicted. The US and its allies have allowed themselves to become captive to Chinese cartels that control production of electronic components, high-powered magnets, printed circuit boards, computers, drones, rare earth metals, wind turbines, solar cells, cellular phones and lithium batteries… In fact, nearly every element of the technology-based digital smart grid is dependent on Chinese-made components,” Brien Sheahan, a former top US energy regulatory official, wrote in April.

    US defense contractors also depend heavily on China. In a June 19 interview with the Financial Times, Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes said his company had “several thousand suppliers in China and decoupling is impossible. We can de-risk but not decouple,” adding that he believed this to be the case “for everybody” in US manufacturing.

    Hayes added, “Think about the $500 billion of trade that goes from China to the US every year. More than 95% of rare earth materials or metals come from, or are processed in, China. There is no alternative. If we had to pull out of China, it would take us many, many years to re-establish that capability either domestically or in other friendly countries.”

    It is a good article there is more and some graphs.

    You can spot the exact date the American capitalists decided to offshore manufacturing to China lol.