• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Would using a teapot with an infuser have a similar effect to a gai wan?

    To brew tea or coffee, you need about four items/things:

    • A method to heat water to a proper temperature
    • A vessel to do the brewing in
    • A method to separate the tea leaves / coffee grounds from the liqueur
    • A cup to drink the liqueur from

    If you want to try to gongfu brew it with what you have at home, you can use some kind of smallish vessel (about 150ml), like a coffee mug or small water/milk pitcher (make sure it can handle boiling water). Use something as a lid-like object to keep the heat from escaping and helping to pour the liqueur while keeping the leaves in the vessel. A big spoon might work, if that’s all you can figure. If you have any kind of fine mesh filter (or just coffee filter paper), you can use that to keep the leaves from getting to your drinking cup.

  • Beat me to it. But I’d like to add that white tea is usually brewed at 90C, which is about 194F.

    There are two common styles of brewing tea, western and eastern. Western style uses less tea leaves for an amount of water and the brewing time is longer. Eastern style, commonly known as gongfu style (can also be written kungfu), is more leaves per amount of water and shorter brews. Gongfu style also lets you brew the same leaves several times, while western style spends the leaves in one brewing.

    If you want to gongfu brew it, I recommend about 5g of leaves for 100g of water. White tea doesn’t go bitter that easily, so you can just brew it until it’s good for your taste buds. You can start from 10-30s for the first brew and then add 5 second for every successive brews. Adjust as you see fit.

    To break the leaves from the cake, use some long thin metal object. Screwdriver if that’s all you have. Avoid cutting it, unless that’s the only way to break it.

    Google Translate gave this result:

  • I have Boox Page. The killer features are Android with its Play Store and the page turn buttons. Having all those apps instead of being limited to the few features that dedicated e-readers like Kindle has is simply great. As for the page turn buttons. It’s nice to be able to use the device one-handed and turn pages by pressing a button instead of needing two hands to touch the screen. But the real killer is the long press functions you can bind to the buttons. If you are using one of the faster refresh modes, pretty much required with some apps, the screen can get messy fast. Being able to refresh the screen by just pressing 0.5 seconds (duration can be adjusted) the button your finger is already resting on is extremely convenient.

    Also, if you are planning on using the Kindle app, those page turn buttons are almost mandatory. If you use the touch screen to turn pages, the Kindle app will animate page turns. There is a setting for page turn animations, but that only toggles between two different animations. The animation is fine if you use a faster refresh mode. Those refresh modes render the screen in lower resolution, causing text to look pixelated. “Normal” refresh mode renders the screen at max resolution, so text looks crisp, but it’s slow. Page turn animations look horrible in that mode. The only way to avoid page turn animations in the Kindle app is by turning pages with a button.

    I think the biggest downside is that Onyx decided not to include built-in support for dark mode. Android supports dark mode, and as such many apps have choices for Light, Dark and System, where System will automatically follow system’s mode. Because the system doesn’t support dark mode, the System setting in apps is always light mode. Which means, that if you want to toggle between light and dark mode, you need to use the apps’ controls to do so. That means that you need to navigate some menus, and have to remember how and where the mode can be changed in each app. It would be so much more convenient if you could just pull down from the top and touch a button, like you can do on Kindle, for example.