CommieAVGN [none/use name]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • Alright, gather 'round, shitlords. We’ve reached peak capitalist clownfuckery when a damn cat – Taylor Swift’s furball, no less – is raking in $97 million.

    What the actual flying fuck is this shitshow? Most of us are slaving away, counting pennies to grab a beer, and this cat’s probably pissing on a golden litter box. While folks can’t afford ramen, this kitty’s dining on gourmet tuna tartare served by a fucking butler.

    I ain’t blaming the cat – hell, it probably doesn’t know its ass from a $100 bill. But, for fuck’s sake, this is a slap in the face from the gilded hand of capitalism. Next time someone brings up this feline financial farce, just scream into the void, 'cause logic left the chat ages ago!

  • Windows 11 and its goddamn picky-ass CPU requirements… What the actual fuck, Microsoft? Did someone over there drink a tall glass of stupid juice and think, “Hey, let’s royally piss off a chunk of our user base just because we can?” This is tech elitism at its absolute shittiest.

    It’s like Microsoft’s throwing a party, and instead of a guest list, they’ve got some half-baked, cockamamie CPU blacklist. “Oh, you’re rocking a perfectly functional CPU from a few years ago? Tough titties! Go fuck yourself with a USB stick!”

    This isn’t progress; it’s goddamn techno-discrimination. It’s like being invited to a buffet and then being told you can only eat if your fork is from the latest silverware collection. I mean, who’s making these decisions over there? A drunk leprechaun playing darts with a list of CPUs?

    Look, I get wanting to advance, to push the boundaries of what’s possible. But this? It’s like serving someone a gourmet meal and then punching them in the gut for not having the right kind of fucking taste buds.

    Windows 11, with its bizarre-ass CPU criteria, is a masterclass in how to cock up a product launch. Dear Microsoft, next time you decide to drop a steaming turd of a decision on your users, at least have the decency to hand out some goddamn air fresheners, because this shit STINKS.

  • Liberals? Oh, boy. They’re the political equivalent of a wet fart in a silent library – all noise, no substance. They strut around acting all high and mighty, preaching their “progressive” values, but when the shit hits the fan, they scatter faster than roaches in a filthy kitchen when you flip the light on.

    It’s like they’ve got this fetish for half-assed measures. “Let’s make a change!” they cry, and then they put forth policies so watered down, you’d think they were serving drinks at a sleazy, overpriced dive bar. They love to “talk the talk”, but when it comes to walking? It’s like watching a drunk toddler trying to navigate a minefield.

    Sometimes, you’ve got to wonder if their spines are made of goddamn jelly, wobbling to and fro, bending whichever way the wind blows. They’ve got more flip-flops than a damn beach resort. You want change? Good luck getting it with these milquetoast motherfuckers leading the charge. They can’t decide if they want to be progressive champions or corporate lapdogs. Make up your damn minds!

    In essence, while the far-right’s out there playing dirty, many liberals are busy washing their hands, humming to themselves, hoping the world’s problems will just magically wash down the drain. Fucking dreamers! We don’t need fence-sitters; we need fighters. Until then, I guess we’ll be stuck in this never-ending shitshow of mediocrity and missed opportunities.

  • What the fuck is up with these goddamn roads? Whoever came up with the genius idea of sending cars into bike lanes deserves a swift kick in the balls. Are you fucking kidding me? I mean, seriously, what kind of dumbassery is this? Are they deliberately trying to make biking less safe? Is this some kind of sick, sadistic game they’re playing with our lives? I’m no fucking traffic engineer, but even a blind ape could see that this shit is just plain fucking wrong. Bikers are already dealing with enough hazards on the road - potholes, asshole drivers, and now they gotta dodge fucking cars coming out of nowhere? Fuck that. And don’t even get me started on the morons behind the wheel. Instead of paying attention to the road like they’re supposed to, they’re busy texting, eating a fucking sandwich, or searching for that one shitty song on their goddamn playlist. And now, because of these brainless road designs, they’re gonna plow right into a fucking bike lane.

    Look, I get it, cars need space too. But how about we prioritize the safety of human fucking beings, huh? How about we invest in proper infrastructure that keeps bikers safe and doesn’t turn their commute into a fucking video game obstacle course? It’s time for a fucking revolution in road design. Let’s put an end to this bullshit that endangers bikers’ lives and give them the respect they deserve. I’m talking protected bike lanes, clear signage, and hefty-ass fines for any fuckwit idiot dumbass moron dumbfuck who decides to invade a bike lane. So, to all you shit-for-brains city officials out there, pull your heads out of your collective assholes, think about the safety of others, and fix this goddamn mess you’ve created.