• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • 29.09.2024 - SW season is back

    • Prep: warm water
    • Brush: TGS Galaxy 26 mm
    • Razor: Ever-Ready 1912 SE
    • Blade: GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts - Pomona
    • Post-Shave: Southern Witchcrafts - Pomona AS toner; Saponificio Varesino - Pro Victis skin repair cream (sample)

    -> 2 pass head shave. Very smooth and comfortable!

    As some of you fine folks already remarked a few days ago, fall season is SW season. Unfortunately SW is seemingly not very active anymore (at least compared to other artisans) but they’re the pioneers of great vegan shaving soap and alcohol-free aftershave. Especially the latter is great for head shavers like me with a sensitive scalp.

    Pomona is sadly a discontinued scent. The bright gourmand with apple, honey, spices and red wine makes it a perfect companion for the early days of fall. It’s very similar to cider in smell and evokes memories of a harvest festival IMHO. It was a perfect choice for the sunny autumn weather we had here today.

    The soap is always working well for me, the lather is nice and quickly turns into something usable. Using my Ever-Ready 1912 again was a joy, very neat to have a razor where you just put the blade in, clamp it down and it’s ready to go. Btw, this is still the same GEM blade that had a pretty bloody shave with my MMOC - now it’s smooth sailing with it.

    The SV Pro Victis sample was good. I guess it’s intended purpose is not as an aftershave balm. It is very thick and doesn’t absorb very fast, but at least it seems to be pretty good in the skin food department. It’s also supposed to be anti-inflammatory, so that’s neat. Nothing I’d personally buy though.

    Edit: I now realised that today I’m celebrating one year of using Lemmy! Thanks for this awesome little community here, folks. After the Reddit exodus, I haven’t found a new home easily but this small group is welcoming, friendly and safe. I feel like I can be myself over here and that’s what matters most.

  • I feel like if I use lemmy I’m helping the fragmentation of a key and useful community I care about.

    Welcome back! Good to see a familiar name over here again. In my honest opinion: as many members over here prove, you can be part of both Reddit and Lemmy without any harm done. Those of us who completely left Reddit behind - atm I only can think of @[email protected] and myself - never did so with any negative intent towards the r/wetshaving community, but instead against the Reddit admins and their greed and power hunger. I hold no grudge against anyone on Reddit, overall it was one of the greatest communities I’ve ever been part of on a rather “toxic” website. The only reason I left Discord too was that I simply don’t have much time for it anymore and when I had some, my time zone made it hard to communicate with others in real time.

    The way I personally see it: the old Reddit wetshaving community, pre-APIcalypse and Reddit forcing out third-party apps, is not the same anymore. A few of us left, some returned, but new active members joined. A lot of the “core group” of members never left either. But the idea of federated networks or the Fediverse is just too great to pass up: instead of being at the mercy of corporate overlords you can self-host and manage your own server/community. You can admin, you can mod… others from other servers can connect with yours, follow your topics and interact with your members. But no one gains a single €, $ or £ from it. No ads. No monetisation. Fewer bots. Tons of third-party apps to choose from.

    The difference? Reddit wetshaving community still has DQ thread every day and much more interaction (the SOTD thread there can easily get 40 - 70 comments, we are lucky when it’s more than 20; even then, it’s mostly long conversations between our handful of members). Over here, it’s much more of a cozy place due to the “core group” being just fewer members in general. Occasionally we attract the rare poster from the wider fediverse, but unfortunately they’re often a one-and-gone deal. I kinda wish we had some more members as each different individual in this niche hobby brings their own unique perspective to the table; however, I really like our little group and the friendly atmosphere we built here. Buena Vista Wetshaving Social Club (BVWSC) was the brainchild of PorkButtsNTaters666 and so far, it’s a great community activity that fits into everyone’s schedule and allows for the community spirit to flourish. In general, I don’t want to convert anyone to leave Reddit behind and join Lemmy - but anyone can gladly participate here too!

    If you want to slowly move over, maybe begin by copy pasting your SOTD posts from Reddit and post them in our SOTD thread too. Join in on the BVWSC shave shenanigans. It’s fine, honestly. I for one would cherish if you decide to also be active over here - we definitely still have a lot of room for more members.

    ( Sorry dear @[email protected] for hijacking your great organisation thread of this group buy effort. Not a SR user, so unfortunately not in - but best of luck in your endeavours!)

  • 24.09.2024 - Neon Sun against rainy days

    • Prep: warm water
    • Brush: Omega Roma Colosseo 31 mm
    • Razor: GEM Micromatic Bullet Tip/Flying Wing, gold
    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Noble Otter - Neon Sun
    • Post-Shave: Moon Soaps Old School “balm”; Phytorelax Aftershave scalp cream ASB

    -> 2 pass head shave. Same blade as my recent bloody experience, different razor. Very smooth now that it lost its initial “bite”!

    Neon Sun is such a great scent and NO base a treat as usual. The label sent some warm thoughts about a Miami sundown my way, kinda nice in the current rainy weather over here. Both passes went by very comfortable, I guess it was mostly a mindset and skill issue on my part during my last awful shave. Today I was more relaxed and it went way better. I rarely use my golden BT/FW, but it’s a very charming vintage razor. Mild, efficient and the gold plating is chipped off in some places to give it a rough aesthetic. It’s the cool kind of vintage with lots of ‘mojo’.

    In other news, I trimmed off the circle beard/goatee and now rock my Zappa look (stache, soul patch and stubble) again. Occasionally I might shave my face again, but currently the dry parts of my face (cheeks, jawline) need a longer recovery break. Thing is, I totally like myself better this way too - with a goatee, it’s just generic bald guy #815 looking back in the mirror. Generally, with facial hair it’s all about what suits you best and what feels nice - and with wetshaving, you also have the greatest tools for contouring and caring for your skin.

  • Granted, Voyager isn’t perfect. But like Jerboa, it’s also free, open source and available on F-Droid too.

    I have used quite a few Lemmy Apps - Jerboa, Eternity, Thunder and now finally Voyager. Out of all these, I like Voyager best. It has true AMOLED dark themes, tons of customisation, gesture control (although swiping for upvotes and replies is kinda fidgety with my big fingers) and touch-friendly links (nice for big fingers and ADHD brains). Also, from all of these it is the easiest app to write PMs to anyone, like right now with our BVWSC activities. E.g. Thunder doesn’t even have a PM function 🤔

    I’d say try it out, give yourself time to adjust and familiarise with the new app and see how it works for you. I’m far from a pro user of it, but if any questions arise you can always shoot me a message and I’ll gladly try to help!

  • 22.09.2024 - bloody Strathcona

    • Prep: warm water
    • Brush: vintage yellow bakelite handle w/ 22 mm SynBad knot
    • Razor: GEM Micromatic Open Comb MMOC
    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
    • Lather: MacDuff’s Soap Co. - Old Strathcona
    • Post-Shave: alum block; Thayer’s Original toner; Pacific Shaving Co. Caffeinated ASB

    -> 1-pass head and face shave. A bit too rough thanks to a fresh GEM blade…

    So today I also wanted to try Old Strathcona again. @[email protected] was so generous and sent enough of a sample for 5+ shaves, I reckon. I still had a good bit left in my old wooden lid.

    However, I wanted to give the Leaf a well deserved break and use another razor today - so I had to put a fresh blade into my MMOC, as the old one caught rust. Needless to say, when the alum block is listed in my Post-Shave routine - you know that it didn’t went well. 🫤

    I usually have a blast using the MMOC, but some of the fresh GEM blades have an edge that makes them feel like shaving with a carpet knife. In total, one big weeper and five blood spots on the scalp. Six blood spots around the face. Bless the french shaving heavens for Osma alum, as without it I’d look like I got into a fight with a cheese grater. The Thayer’s toner and the PSC balm handled the rest. To say it with a meme-ified movie quote: “I shaved… but at what cost?!” 🤔

    Memo to myself for the future: don’t use a razor you haven’t used in a while with a soap that’s unfamiliar to you, especially not with a fresh blade. Don’t think you can manage a full head and face shave with just a tiny amount of a soap sample. Also, get yourself a proper small shaving mug or bowl for your sample shenanigans.

    Now I really look forward to tomorrow’s shave. Hope you fine folks had a great weekend!

  • 18.09.2024 - BVWSC part. II: Canadian Druid in a barbershop

    • Prep: shower
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin handle w/ 26 mm Silksmoke Flattop/Fan hybrid knot
    • Razor: Leaf Thorn
    • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
    • Lather: MacDuff’s Soap Company - Old Strathcona
    • Post-Shave: Moon Soaps - Old School balm

    -> 2 pass head shave, 1 pass face shave. Good shave overall!

    Today’s BVWSC shave is done with a soap I found really interesting. MacDuff’s Soap is an artisan I heard many positive things about; their inspiration from Canadian landmarks and the great outdoors is also something I find intriguing. Plus, featuring their dog on the tub art and in their logo is a huge bonus point with me too.

    I really have grown to like barbershop scents, even though as a german I never was inside one at all. Old Strathcona is definitely a very unique take on this genre - once the very generous sample by @[email protected] showed up, my initial impression was of an old time cologne for mature gentlemen. Luckily, that’s not everything!

    The soap lathered very fast. Props to MacDuff’s Soap base, this one gets slick quick and turns into a beautiful lather with just a bit water added to the brush. Once lathered, the scent turns away from the cologne-style barbershop and more towards something green. Everything makes sense now that I’m reading up the official Scent description . Djundjila and walden also mentioned anise which is described as basil and tarragon; I didn’t get much of that (my nose is sus) but much more of a herbal, green and slightly salty cologne (I guess the salty parts come from the mushroom absolute?). Call me weird and maybe it’s my ADHD, but I pictured a druid like Miraculix sitting in a old school barbershop chair. Hence today’s post title. I really like when a soap takes me on such a little daydream journey, especially on a stressful day like today.

    Performance wise, apart from the quick lathering and the good slickness, it’s also very skin-friendly. I tested it on both my head and face, each with their individual problematic areas and had no irritation or burn whatsoever. I could see MacDuff’s as something I might pick up in the future - I really like unique barbershop scents and this one definitely fits the bill. Thanks sahenders for your suggestion and the generous sample! Compared to CFG Ghost Town Barber, my favourite barbershop and my newest HAGS Barberwood, Old Strathcona is way less sweet. It’s earthy, mossy, dark without being divisive. Perfectly suited for the upcoming autumn season!

    I apologize for my lengthy writeup and any incoherent rambling that it may contain. Hope it’s been at least a tiny bit entertaining for you folks! I’m already looking forward to our next BVWSC shave in October. The sample by @[email protected] already arrived yesterday and it also smells very intriguing and mysterious. Have a good night (or day, depending on your time zone)!

  • 00.00.2024 - Barberwood on the face

    • Prep: warm water
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin handle w/ 26 mm Silksmoke Flattop/Fan hybrid knot
    • Razor: Leaf Thorn
    • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
    • Lather: HAGS - Barberwood
    • Post-Shave: HAGS - Barberwood AS toner

    -> 2 pass face shave around the goatee. Two weepers in total, but a very comfortable shave regardless.

    At the time of writing, there was no post in this thread. So it seems to be my duty to avoid a barren thread today!

    The second use of Barberwood, this time on the face… but with better hydrated lather today! I’m still a bit rusty when it comes to face lathering, but it’s getting better. Today’s brush is possibly my favourite for the even spread of lather it can achieve, so that helped a lot.

    This time the soap smelt a bit sweeter, similar to my other HAGS Creatures of the Night . Performance was way better though, the lather was very slick and also hydrated my skin well. The toner continues to impress on the face, as it really feels rich enough that I didn’t feel the need for a balm. Since my skin is sensitive and dry in the jaw area, that’s rare!

    I now have an interesting barbershop scent to compare tomorrow’s BVWSC soap against - really looking forward to tomorrow’s shave!

  • 16.09.2024 - Barberwood head shave

    • Prep: warm water
    • Brush: RazoRock 400 Noir SE 24 mm
    • Razor: Leaf Thorn
    • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
    • Lather: HAGS - Barberwood
    • Post-Shave: HAGS - Barberwood AS toner

    -> 2 pass head shave. Rushed, but good.

    Only had time for a quick head shave today, but wanted to try the final one of my new soaps - Barberwood, a spicy barbershop scent. Did 2 quick passes to get a good first impression.

    Honestly, the Thorn and most SE razors are way nicer for me personally when it comes to shaving my head because due to the stiffer blades/tighter hold of a blade I can replicate the long strokes I used to do with cartridge razors. 2 passes went almost as quick as one with a DE.

    Barberwood is my first experience with HAGS Osiris base (again, the amount of bases that they produce is too damn high!). Unfortunately, due to being in a bit of a rush I had no time to dial it in properly and the lather was slightly too dry today as a result. Hmm, live and learn - now I know that it’s thirsty and will respect that next time.

    As for the scent, it’s a typical powdery barbershop with no freshness and a little twist in the form of an almost dark, spicy vanilla-like note to it. I guess those are supposed to be the woody elements. Performance wise, I don’t want to judge too much as the lather was subpar as mentioned before. But it was still comfortable to shave with. In terms of skin health, thumbs up - no skin reactions, no burn, feels pretty good. Further uses will show how good it really is, but the HAGS AS toner already gets an A+ from me - a little goes a long way and it just feels great when applied. Plus the scent is amplified even more with it.

    Like I said, I’ll need further shaves to evaluate it but I’m looking forward to them. So far, it reminds me of CFG Ghost Town Barber, my favourite barbershop soap so far (very much a good thing!)

  • 10.09.2024 - Masala Connection pt. 2

    • Prep: warm water
    • Brush: vintage yellow bakelite handle w/ 22 mm SynBad knot
    • Razor: Leaf Thorn
    • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
    • Lather: Los Jabones de Joserra - Masala Connection
    • Post-Shave: Thayer’s Original toner; Phytorelax Aftershave scalp cream

    -> 2-pass face & 1-pass head shave. Not great, but just right for a Tuesday.

    Second use of Masala Connection. Today it was a bit tricky to lather - I chalk it up to inexperience, since I haven’t shaved anywhere around my face for ~ 9 months and I am so used to lathering directly on my head. Combine this with an even more reduced ‘canvas’ due to a goatee and it’s getting awkward. However, it smells good. It performs good and might even really take off once I’m back in the swing of things. Post Shave skin feel (don’t you just love those weird words that come with niche hobbies?!) is rather good too, not on the level of ZM, WK or BM Omnibus but really solid. Also, since our weather abruptly went to fall temperatures it fits a little better than before

    Also yes, aftershave scalp cream also works perfectly well on the face.

  • 08.09.2024 - trim up things

    • Prep: cold water
    • Brush: RazoRock 400 Noir SE 24 mm
    • Razor: Leaf Thorn
    • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
    • Lather: Los Jabones de Joserra - Masala Connection
    • Post-Shave: Thayer’s Original toner; Natura Siberica ASB gel
    • Fragrance: none

    -> 1-pass head and 2-pass face shave. A little bloody, but a relief.

    Today I had the urge to change things up and I went from a pretty long stubble beard down to a full goatee (with short stubble). I’ve had just stubble for a few months now; unfortunately it’s not a great look overall with my patchy growth and the first grey beard hairs creeping in at 30, mostly on the cheek area. So now I’m back to the style I’ve rocked for a few years; however I plan to focus more on the moustache and keep the chin part rather short. Even with just the goatee, I should have enough variation to experiment with…

    Given that I haven’t shaved my face in a long time, I took it really slow and started on the cheeks rather than on my head as usual. Thankfully I only had two tiny weepers, so it worked.

    I hadn’t tried Masala Connection yet, so I was quite curious how it would fare today. The scent itself is more suitable for colder months, once it was lathered it reminded me of a fresher or rather modern variation of Dior’s Fahrenheit (thankfully, without any old man sweat note). Performance wise, it’s very quick to lather up and creates a very dense one. It is very slick too, a great choice for safety razors. In terms of skin health, I felt a slight burn once it was lathered, but no eczema reaction or any redness to speak of. My skin actually feels rather good after using it. We’ll see how further uses play out…