It was always absurd to think NATO weaponry and strategy was so far ahead of Russia that it could push a significantly larger military back. That’s not to say the Russians are going to have an easy time holding on to any ground long term if (when) they face an insurgency, but the belief that the Russians would be unable to lop off a significant chunk of Ukraine was sillly. Your average American has no idea what a real war between modern armies looks like though so I guess it makes sense that they bought the narrative.
just got nervous before sending an email to myself lmao
I’ve always wondered why there’s been no serious academic investigation of this. I think about the Grapes of Wrath, one of the most famous works of Americana, which vividly describes the hunger and the violence of the Dust Bowl and yet I’m supposed to believe nobody starved to death? No malnourished children died? People didn’t get in fights and die over resources? Apparently the Great Depression sucked but besides the banker that jumped off the fifth floor nobody died.
Can I kill Japanese knotweed by becoming its first predator in the Americas or do you have to light it on fire and salt the earth to get rid of it?
In many curriculums, he’s not mentioned at all. I took a class on political theory and he wasn’t mentioned once. I took another on European history and he was mentioned twice, once during the industrial revolution when the proffessor said Marx was wrong because thwre were factory managers, and again with the October Revolution. He was briefly mentioned in an intro to sociology course by my professor, but we spent significantly more time on Weber. He’s been systematically torn out of curricula.
Edit: I legitimately think it was wiped per the University’s orders too because the sociology professor was involved in DSA. Likewise in an international relations course, my professor had a May 1968 sticker on his laptop. He mentioned Lenin and Imperialism once and then continued on like it had never been said. I did see a sociology adjunct tell some students (not his) to read the Manifesoto though.
The fascism has been here since at least 1946. Probably more like 1776. Libs are just scared it might hurt them now unlike before.