A war crime. Yet again.
A war crime. Yet again.
I mostly meant his plans for Palestine.
I gather the Arab nations are largely displeased with Trump and his propositions.
Isn’t Vance an attorney? If so, this ought to be grounds for disbarment.
Menial jobs, TV, drugs. Hence the opioid epidemic.
Somewhat similar for me, having grown up in New Jersey. I was one of the only Protestants I knew; everybody else was Catholic or Jewish. I remember learning that it was a big deal at the time that JFK was Catholic and I was shocked because I thought most Americans were Catholic.
The only people I have known who converted to Catholicism did it because they wanted to marry a Catholic in a Catholic church.
Maybe just melt down some golden relics.
That makes sense. Our generation had it drilled into us that our waste was shameful because there were so many people starving in the world. In my day, it was “children in Ethiopia”.
Stop comparing him to an orangutan. Orangutans are intelligent and empathetic creatures worthy of respect. It’s even worse than calling a cop a pig. You’re going to give people a negative opinion of a beautiful species.
Immigrant rights groups sent a letter Friday demanding access to people who have been sent there, saying the base should not be used as a “legal black hole.”
It only exists to be a legal black hole to begin with.
Canada is blocking EVs?
Alternative headline: US’s poor public health system poses bird flu risk to cats
You should. Road signs, in particular, are written in English all across Japan. It’s very helpful.
They already have expressed a willingness to do so.
Every grocery store I go to has eggs on the shelves. Are there just some places where people are panic-buying all the eggs?
Taiwan and mainland China were never unified to begin with.