Don’t be asshole, I’m not typing it out because apparently that get me banned on here, even if I am not using it in a derogatory way. Which the whole fucking point I’m trying to make
Oh that how you avoid it, don’t talk ro people and forget the story?
I did they didn’t know it was slur, but fuck they do now. See if you give a word power then it does what you attended. Why do you think the black community use the N word the way they do. It takes the power away from the word.
It words the old saying stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. It’s powerful slogan, that I guess in today’s age isn’t used.
Yeah it makes me think of how Samuel L Jackson always has to defend Quentin for always using the N word. Reporters always wanting to say he is racist. They just don’t get it. Its always about context. Even Stephen King uses that word in his books even today. Banning words or saying don’t ever use those words is a slippery slop. We can’t run around calling for freedom then ban words.
Unless its nazi then that the only exception in my mind. But that because nazi shouldn’t exist. But I will just leave it alone. I am a supporter of the trans community, especially since I personally know several trans people and will fight for their right to exist. Anyone who thinks ill of me or thinks of me any other way don’t jack shit about me.
I had to give up on that game. I know it had to have great story line, but damn got tired of being a shitty Amazon delivery man, who kept getting trapped in some black nightmare.
Why me and my brother believe local or national restaurant chain. Could be someone with several I Hop franchises, or hell is Waffle House a franchise? Either way it someone who needs a shit ton of eggs.
Our could be place like this:
This place serves eggs.
If they try that shit on me, then I no longer have anything to lose do I. They might fuck around and find out. Now if they did that to everyone not a Republican, they literally call the rest of us terrorists? Then maybe we become the terror they so fear.
Soon or later this is all going come crashing down. Either we turn full fascism and it becomes 1984, or a bloody revolution to take our country back. Time going tell. Just saying we are almost to the point we’re voting won’t matter.
Two of my children have trans boyfriends, and I am not advocating for us to go around insulting people with slurs. My comment was why are reporting sluring words. We should know what the bitch said. It’s Congress we have right to know what they are saying and doing. Parts of lemmy seem to be turning into reddit. Next they ban people for speaking against fucking nazis or saying to punch a fucking nazi.
No censoring word is for cowards and assholes. Same as banning books. Stop censoring words were not children and no one hear is encouraging violence. Just trying to get the full picture. Just like I will call that GOP member who used the slur a fucking cunt.
Love the title, great use of a pun. But it interesting. Either a competitor stole them, or a restaurant chain. I mean how do you fence 100k of eggs before they go bad? Either that or its some stupid pranksters, or crack heads that don’t know what they just did.
Could also be someone waiting until eggs go rotten then be used to tag some rich fucks houses or cars.
He hadn’t attended the last time he was in office? Why all sudden is he interested in going now?
Right, I mean what the fuck is a trans slur?
Man wish I could have been in Oklahoma City today. I was stuck fixing a water leak in McAlester instead.
Wouldn’t surprise me if he lives another 5 years. Think pure evil can keep a body moving for quit some time.
So I’m nor the only one who can listen to a few songs over and over again. It drives my kids nuts.
How fuck did he not break his neck or die? Fucking old man like him falls down stairs and lives? I think my hunch is correct and all the freezing up and falling down is because the man been dead for years. It’s whatever spell allowing his corpses to continue to function is wearing off.
Wasn’t it not 2 years ago there was a picture and he showed his hands were almost completely black and he had frozen up?
Anyway wish Fucker retire or better yet go off another way. He destroyed enough of this country already and allowed Trump to do what he doing now.
If the GOP had thier way in this state that would exactly what they do. Our Supreme Court already shut down his buying those bibles, and diverting federal funds meant for public schools into the hand of Christian ran carter schools. Fucker won’t learn. We literally have separation of church and state in the state constitution.
Dude in my 40,s can’t afford the egg. It getting rough out here.
To bad that he will have security walk her out and remove her. Illegal or not, Congress is jackshit to stop him. It’s fucking infuriating.