GenXen [any, any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2021


  • Point Taken. Maybe ‘defensible’ is the wrong sentiment from what I want to convey. Debates about justification aside, I just don’t want to appear to hand wave it away in the same way that Pro-Lifers do with ACTUAL violence.

    There’s still this lib part in my brain that says “iF wE aDvOcAtE vIoLeNcE, tHeY’lL uSe It To JuStIfY tHeIrS!”, while of course, staring at the obvious reality that they are using one example of graffiti and another example of reminding CPC patients about their reproductive rights against a litany of examples of real threats and violence against Planned Parenthood and Abortion clinics.

    Whether CPCs should be getting firebombed is secondary to the fact that they currently aren’t despite the claim.