2nd for freetaxusa. I’ve been using it for years now.
2nd for freetaxusa. I’ve been using it for years now.
You’d be surprised what’s recoverable, especially if it’s an HDD.
There was a recovery service I could send customer drives to that could recover a drive in a fire, flood, buried, shattered etc. The question was, how much did you want to pay for the service. One quote came back over 75k.
The whole scenario you described is the problem. You shouldn’t need to do that to yourself. The whole argument is the boomer generation was able to mostly have one parent working, supporting a family of 4, and owning a home COMFORTABLY. That is virtually nonexistent for current generations. Rising housing costs have far exceeded wage growth for decades now.
Uhm, what?
It was intentional. Did you not hear the lines Samuel L. Jackson said and what he wore? He was specifically playing the part of racist america. “It’s too ghetto” “oh see the slow song was nice”. Everyone being black was completely, 100% intentional.
I’m saying it’s a good thing cause it’s a middle finger to uppity white people in this country who clutch their pearls at anything more than a suntan level skin color. Look at this successful black man with all these successful black people in your white America.
I’m posting in all these threads, so ICE knows my position very clearly.
Fuck off, you add nothing of value, you are useless, and your mom probably hates you.
I posted in the other thread talking about this. Just so it’s painfully clear,
Fuck off ICE.
Ever see that weird addiction show where the guy was in an intimate relationship with his car?
Math cares? With a smaller sample size, even a handful of issues makes the percentage of problems fairly high.
5 bad apples in a dozen is a problem 5 bad apples in a truckload isnt.
Isn’t that like a third of available stock then?
ICE can investigate deez nuts.
So Beyonce really was singing about a surfboard.
Can’t be last in first world education stats if you don’t track them
A list of the best ships and no embedded pics to refer to?
And suddenly Chappelle’s blind black man KKK member is truth.
I made some Ramen the other night, I wasn’t thinking and used the last 2 eggs in addition to other ingredients. I then realized I had just made the most expensive Ramen known to man.
I live in an area that is very red. People OPENLY bring this shit up in idle conversation all the fucking time. I work in sales, and people OPENLY talk about this unprompted while I’m just trying to do my job.
Throw in a 2002 kawasaki ninja 636
Use one of these letter openers to do that. It’s way easier than scissors.
I’ll say it again. Fuck ICE.