He does have a point tho. If you post stuff like this, post a link, not a screenshot. That’s just a shitty thing to do.
He does have a point tho. If you post stuff like this, post a link, not a screenshot. That’s just a shitty thing to do.
How is that even legal in Germany?
The only gymnastics here are happening in your head.
You need to return to lemmygrad.
Ich lebe in Japan und hab dementsprechend nur ne Japanische Tastatur.
(DE IME Tastaturbelegungen kann ich mir nicht merken… -, ^ oder : sind ue oder oe, und keine Ahnung wo der Rest ist)
Seriously, this reads like a piece from lemmygrad.
Maybe your Japanese isn’t quite at the level you think it is.
Depends on if there’s Russian soldiers inside.
Too bad it failed.