• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I can see a not-far-off future where republicans will absolutely cynically pursue charges against Biden, et al.

    Democrats will cry foul to the tune of “b-but we let George Bush do his Holocaust! No one went after him or Cheney or any of them! This isn’t fair!!!”

    And uh, you know, I don’t know how to feel about Hitler prosecuting Himmler for doing crimes they both agreed and still agree are fine and good. Perhaps this is lesser evil voting dems tell me about? I’m always in search of that elusive lesser evil.

  • It’s one of those weird things that sometimes I feel like I have arcane knowledge of… when I explain this stuff to people I feel like they probably either think I’m making it up or, probably a legitimate thing to wonder, ask themselves why the fuck I know these weirdos inside and out. I, too, wish I knew that…

    as I get older I notice I like to play like “the archivist” role and just recount the most insane shit I read online 20 years ago. Can’t wait until my niece and any other kids my brother might have are old enough to hear their insane uncle tell them about turn of the century Nazi memes

  • It’s been a very far right, literal Nazi, meme-but-not-a-meme thing (if you ever see how the groypers act, you know what I mean. “It’s all a joke wink wink!” (Hint: it is not a joke)) since, well, forever. It’s less about Israel as a nationstate doing 9/11 and more specifically about “the Jews” doing 9/11. But Israel goes out of its way to equate Israel with all Jewish people, boosting this type of antisemitism as people constantly warn about. So, Nazis just use Israel/Zionist/Jew all interchangeably depending on the layer of mask they want to wear.

    And, yes, believing “the Jewish cabal” did 9/11 or whatever is a conspiracy theory so stupid that it is laughable. That’s probably why it doesn’t catch much mainstream right wing (but not quite explicitly Nazi) favor. But hey, today is a new day, imagine the Mein Kampfs that could be written… (oh god…)

  • The actual origin, in this case, is irrelevant. We all understand that, I think. Unless you’re talking to someone who supports French monarchy, I dunno, maybe then it matters.

    Anyway, removing American-centric politics from the discussion which defines “left” as anything that helps people and right as anything that harms… or pro-business as they’d prefer to define that. Both are extremely far right wing, pro-capitalist…

    It’s just the definition that has emerged over time. Again, ignoring the irrelevant jabbering of US and other western ally media bullshit, it’s extremely clear that the US state and allies actually agrees with the generally understood definition. The republicans and such will call Harris a commie or whatever, but the US state loves someone like her in power elsewhere if she can hold the power. Typically it requires more militaristic, further right wing leaders unafraid to do horrible things. However, the moment someone who is “left wing” aka anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist comes along, well that’s unacceptable obviously, and opposition mounts. Not because of their “woke” beliefs (or lack thereof) but always always always because of their anti-capitalist beliefs. Specifically the abolition of private property and land ownership being huge “no nos” to capitalists.

    So it’s a definition that has arisen due to reality. The further you are from supporting capitalism, supporting private property ownership and capital accumulation, the further left wing you are understood to be and the more the forces of capital will oppose your existence as a implicit threat to their own existence.

    It’s more than just vibes. It’s backed up by the reality. I could also define it as “left wing means anti-US imperialism.” The more left wing you are considered to be, the more you oppose the US due to imperialism (capitalism), thus you are an anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist.

    Right wing is an alignment with capitalism and imperialism. Devotees and adherents to the US as it exists and has existed since the beginning but especially the last 100-150 years or so are absolutely pro-capitalist, pro-imperialist, opposed to the left wing (they say this themselves) communists or anti-imperialists.

    That’s how I see it anyway. My view isn’t unique or special. Maybe the word strict wasn’t the best, but, it’s a comment made on my phone when I should be doing other things. I’m willing to insert the word “general” or “understood” or whatever in its place, but I maintain the original thoughts. Which was more of a rant/stating the obvious anyway.

  • Which is just more-left liberalism (to the socdems part). They still believe in capitalism.

    I will concede, however, that perhaps my own bias slipped in because I consider socdems to be “the ideal liberal”. But of course that’s my own personal belief and doesn’t define the entire spectrum.

    I think the issue we often find is most people (in the first world anyway, voices I hear all the time) are liberals. They believe firmly in capitalism and most of them believe in some social safety nets- the dispute is how much and what type of nets. Never a dispute of support of capitalism though. Even amongst the people like Bernie or whatever

  • By strict definition, “left” means anti-capitalist and “right” is (pro)capitalist

    Liberals believe in capitalism just with some guardrails. Emphasis on civil liberties and such. But heavier emphasis on the rights and validity of private property ownership (key to capital accumulation, after all)

    To be “on the left” you absolutely have to reject that latter part. You don’t believe in private property ownership for the purposes of enriching individuals/small groups of owners of property. You believe in more equal distributions of property whether it’s shared worker ownership where everyone is “invested” in the company and there’s less of an owner dynamic more of “guy who leads” but isn’t a dictator. Co-operatives basically. Or you believe in more radical, even further anti-capitalist things like there is should be no ownership of private property at all by anyone even the workers. It all belongs to everyone and is held in common by a central power, a state government, that doesn’t seek profits but only the production of commodities for survival and betterment of the citizens’ lives.

    Obviously there’s room for muddying things because there’s a lot of ideas on how to run shit, whatever, but ultimately any dipshit America (always Americans for some reason…) who goes on about “Kommunist Kamala” or “Chairman Joe” is dumber than rocks or just trying to score easy rhetorical points. FDR was the most anti-capitalist US president and he was still right wing. A liberal through and through. He was never going to seize entire industries, all of them, and put capitalists out on the street or make them work for a living.

    These Nazis, because that’s what they are let’s just be honest, are so insanely far right that in their view anything, literally anything, that is done by the government is communism. Or rather, they want people to think they believe that. Basically libertarianism or “absolute minimum government regulations and controls on everything.” They pretend to believe that, usually, yet support tons of government organizations or agencies. Just the anti-labor, anti-human rights ones like cops, US military, intelligence agencies, law enforcement generally, stricter judicial system with open discrimination against non-whites and non-US citizens, etc. All government powers, but somehow not communism when it benefits capitalists. The irony being this stuff also harms these hogs, but, they won’t figure that out until it’s far too late.

    The truth that the commenter doesn’t want to accept, but I point out whenever I can, is they are also a liberal. They’re much further right wing, they would flip to fascist at a finger snap, but they’re core beliefs are absolutely just liberal regarding the economy and how the government should interact with the private sector, etc. I just call “conservatives” and republicans “far right liberals” because 1) it’s totally accurate and 2) it pisses them the fuck off. The truth hurts I guess. Maybe they’ll go read some shit in their anger to “prove” me wrong and accidentally learn something. Doubtful, but who knows.

  • But if you elect judges the people might actually vote for someone who openly says they don’t think some laws are valid or should be upheld.

    Imagine if some teenager doesn’t get their life totally fucked because some 70 year old fascist fuckstick who was appointed in 1980 thinks every crime, no matter the magnitude or validity, should be met with the harshest of penalties possible! It would be chaos!

    (Basically the mindset of all US politicians and far too many normal people too. “Oh you stole candy? Sorry, penalty is death. You knew the law, scum!” “Moral country” btw. Look how the hogs and even libs have reacted to “progressive” DAs in some cities opting to not prosecute unnecessary petty crimes and instead going harder after crimes of violence including crimes committed by the police (like in Philly. And holllllly fuck do the cops and shitclown Governor hate the DA. People love it though. Objectively bettering things even if only slightly))

  • I’ve assumed for years now that they had at least some access to it but him getting arrested (batshit insane btw) might show they didn’t or didn’t get what they wanted anyway.

    I just figured all those “we got inside info on this right wing plan of attack from a telegram leak” news stories were “the FBI gave us this and told us to say it wasn’t from us.” Apple/Google engage in similar obfuscation of what access the feds have. With Google, well, just assume “all.” With Apple it’s probably also “all” but they insist that isn’t the case. It seeks almost certain though they do quietly cooperate with feds to help unlock devices and then feds just cite some technology without mentioning Apple’s probable role in creating it.

    Shit sucks, the NSA (among many) should’ve never been allowed to exist. It’s all getting worse too. 20 years ago an arrest like this (transport back the general idea “some guy makes a program people used for naughty naughty”) would be a headline for maybe a month at least. It would be discussed for sure and hogs and dipshit ghouls would defend it and nothing done about it. Now it’s just “oh? Russia? Huh. Oh. Ok. Yes, m’lord…”

  • Putin is a reactionary, for sure. A proud capitalist. He’s proclaimed himself such many times during interviews and such. Calling him a Nazi is just ignorance at best, falling directly into Western propaganda more likely.

    I don’t like Putin. I don’t think he’s a moral or “good” man. But that doesn’t make him a Nazi.

    As for the Ukrainian military, were you in a coma for 2 years? 10 years? It’s been a well established undisputed fact by everyone, including the Azov guys, that they are fans of the Nazis, wear their symbols proudly, etc. This doesn’t make every Ukrainian a Nazi. It doesn’t mean Putin is truthful in his desire to rid Ukraine of Nazis. But you can’t just deny the existence, the proud existence, of Nazi elements in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora. Like actual, legitimate, swatiska and SS lightning bolt wearing Nazis not just generic fascists. You have to be actively ignorant to miss this for like 2.5 years of war and troop footage.

  • Without being “overly fair” to these weirdos (the drawn cp tax folder fans) republicans were, perhaps still are(?), explicitly talking about literally invading Mexico to “bomb the cartel.”

    Here’s just one article of many

    I never took them saying that stuff, above, as the same as bombing like asylum seekers or agricultural migrants, etc. They would love to do both, but they are technically different things under the umbrella of “hoggery”

    Btw that article is fucking insane. The fact it exists, the fact that the people take these statements seriously and don’t say “we would disobey that obviously moronic and illegal command and instead arrest any dumbass who tried to do it.” It’s just literally insane. I am forced to self-censor further feelings.

  • This just gives me a mental image of an insane ER doctor placing defibrillator pads on a recently deceased person and repeatedly delivering shocks even when the corpse gives no response and only pops up and down from the electrical jolts. The nurses are all crying and yelling that he’s gone. The doctor just keeps smirking and pushing the button while the skin sizzles. And the smell…

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlLord..
    2 months ago

    I met a young immigrant to our beautiful nation today. He introduced himself as Felix. Felix the Cat. Wow, remember that one folks? Great cartoon. Great immigrant. Unfortunately sucks in air he’s gotta go back, folks. He’s gotta go back. Yes, yes, even the Canadians. Especially the Canadians! They gotta go back.

  • Yeah, but, like, did you consider it from the dino’s point of view?

    Because I did

    But on a serious side, most of the people working at Jurassic Park (in the first one anyway) were mostly just neutral people on a good/bad scale I suppose. Except Hammond. Even Nedry (sp?) was just exploiting his exploitative boss (underpaying him).

    I don’t know how much of a point was trying to be made, but there’s definitely an underlying theme of capitalism forcing what could be a questionably ethical scientific project (bringing back extinct animals) into fast-tracked, hyper-capitalist, “just pay experts to come and rubber stamp this shit immediately so we can make money” disaster.