Kieselguhr [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2021


  • Just a couple of sidenotes

    At the start of the Ukraine war, it was unclear whether Russia might also launch attacks on us, including our nuclear reactors.

    RU attacking Germany is as unlikely as RU shelling London, NY, or Tokyo

    Russia also attacked nuclear reactors in the Ukraine, which certainly reminded people of Chernobyl.

    I think the news was that someone shelled Zaporizhzhia “Russia and Ukraine blamed each other for shelling the Russian-controlled plant.” Now, I’m not Hercule Poirot, but if RU controlled the plant at the time, wouldn’t that make UKR the most likely culprit?

    Russia also cut off our natural gas supply.

    Surely Russia turning a tap is less pertinent than USA literally bombing the pipeline?

    We have practically no own Uranium deposits either,

    So where are you buying from the rest of your resources? Surely nuclear is more feasible than coal from a purely geopolitical/economic point of view? I guess good luck with the solar panels.

    You seem to be a bit confused about the situation.

  • The idea that Ukrainian forces, lacking any air cover, would storm through Russian lines was always going to be more of a Hollywood plotline than reality.

    I don’t even have a reaction to shit other than oh no everything the Russians said is true about NATO decadence/incompetence, confirmed on MSM media but libs are still “Russian propaganda?”

    I am soo tempted to resurrect the thread from a couple of weeks ago about Prigozhin’s death where hexbear users debated federated radlib(?) users about the war, and the libs repeatedly claimed that:

    • UKR army is doing well, they are on the road to victory, certainly

    • The neonazi influence is completely marginal

    We gave them many sources, and told them that even MSM media is disagreeing with the liberal fantasyland if you actually know how to read. The last couple of days we had this article and Poroshenko with a nazi badge… I honestly don’t know what is there to debate. They just refuse to see the truth.

  • Mind you the closest thing to a hard evidence is the leaked Nuland-Pyatt call where they talk about successors to the president.

    The overall sequence of events closely resembles documented color revolution coups carried out by the USA, where the CIA supports ordinary protestors aligned with US interests and relies on corrupt politicians and fascists to do the shady shit.

    So the TLDR

    • We know Nuland was fucking around in Ukraine
    • The US had both business and geopolitical interests at stake in Ukraine
    • We know what US coups look like from history (e.g. Mossadegh, Jacobo Árbenz)… and they never stopped! We have absolutely no reason to believe the CIA stopped doing regime change shit. They even gloat about it on tv. They not gonna admit the Ukraine coup in the next 20 years though, obviously.
    • The current Ukrainian regime kowtows to the US, they don’t appear independent at all
    • if it was random chance, then the US power elite was incredibly lucky that it went the exact way they wanted it to go. It’s much more likely it wasn’t just random, and the US was involved.

    It’s unlikely that a document saying “Let’s coup Ukraine” signed by Obama is going to get leaked in the next decade, so don’t hold your breath.

  • good article!

    What is important for us to understand, however, is that the strategic asymmetry goes beyond physical capacities like population base, industrial plant, and missile technology, and extends into the realm of strategic objectives and timelines.

    Russia’s war has been deliberately framed in a fairly open-ended way, with goals largely tied to the idea of “demilitarizing” Ukraine. In fact, Russia’s territorial objectives remain rather nebulous beyond the 4 annexed oblasts (though it is safe to say that Moscow would like to acquire far more than just these). All that to say, Putin’s government has deliberately framed the war as a military-technical enterprise focused on destroying the Ukrainian armed forces, and has shown itself to be perfectly free to give up territory in the name of operational prudentia.

    In contrast, Ukraine has maximalist goals that are explicitly territorial in nature. The Zelensky government has been open about the fact that it aims - however fanciful this may be - to restore the entirety of its 1991 territories, including not just the four mainland oblasts but also Crimea.

    In particular, however, Ukraine cannot win a positional-attritional war because of its own maximalist definition of “winning.” Since Kiev has insisted that it will not give up until it returns its 1991 borders, an inability to dislodge Russian forces poses a particularly nasty problem - Kiev will either need to admit defeat and acknowledge Russian control over the annexed areas, or it will continue to fight obstinately until it is a failed state with nothing left in the tank.

  • I’m sorry, are you the same person I’ve been talking to? Because it seems like you haven’t actually read anything I’ve written.

    The Ukrainians are the ones who can decide if and when they want to surrender.

    Western politicians actively sabotaged peace talks. Read previous comments for sources.

    They are gaining ground every day

    This has no basis in reality. Even overly optimistic western sources have admitted the failure of the spring counteroffensive.

    have all the time they want

    How can you be this wrong? They have limited manpower and more and more soldiers die every day. Every week spent warring is a huge burden on their economy.

    I’m not gonna answer you again since you are completely out of touch with reality. Even prowar western journalists are more careful with their wording.

  • Yeah no-one is against a peace deal at this point

    Great, call a ceasefire now.

    Just against the one where you let they totalitarian agressor win. Anyone who knows anything about history knows you have to stop those kind of regimes at the earliest possible moment.

    So you are against a peace deal? You do know that the fabled ukrainian counteroffensive has failed completely? How many more regular ukrainians should die in hopeless counteroffensives?

    Btw it seems like you don’t know what totalitarian means. Actual academic historians tend to avoid this term since the seventies.

  • You do realise that a peace deal / ceasefire which involves Ukraine giving up land, sovereignty or anything else is horseshit being pushed around by useful idiots?

    The counteroffensive failed spectacularly, even western sources admit this.

    How many more people you want to send in the meat grinder?

    Here’s an idea: call a ceasefire and let the diplomats negotiate, and let’s see what happens. Let’s see what actual ukrainians want after a few months of negotiation. Maybe Boris Johnson should fuck off. At least people are not dying until then. Outlandish, I know.

    And who is feeding the far left with this crap?

    Now this is qanon level conspiracy theory. I am against war between capitalist nations in general. On one side you have an extremely corrupt oligarchic capitalist country, and on the other side you have an extremely corrupt oligarchic capitalist country.

    Since I live in a NATO country I criticise NATO more, since they are the ruling class above me and there’s enough criticism of Putin around here anyway.

    As far as deals go, US/Ukraine isn’t trustworthy either. The Minsk agreement was bullshit. What happened to nord stream btw?