LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]

I want Communism to happen so everyone can have a good time.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2021


  • The whole false scarcity thing is the thing that drives me into Lovecraftian madness. The sheer amount of normalization of the phrase “access to care” drives me up the wall. Or how we have replaced “healthcare” to “insurance” as the goal is just so damn wrong. I’m very lucky/blessed/fortunate to never really have any real need for physical healthcare or mental healthcare, however always deeply troubled by the ceaseless parade of nightmarish stories of people trying to get care. From people who are uninsured to folks who supposedly had “good” insurance, everyone seems to have a terrible time accessing their “access to” their care. I

    Capitalists have convinced the liberals of the world that something very much not real is very much real. For the record, you are not crazy for not buying into the “Catastrophe or Ruination” dichotomy they false create. You are in fact cool and normal for proposing a third mystery option of “What if we didn’t have to pick between those two?”

    Neoliberalism/Late Stage Capitalism/Hellworld is all about buy into this idea of false scarcity when there is in fact abundance were there the political will. The current Media machinery and apparatus does so much of the heavy lifting for these MEGACORPS too.

  • Love to see bro make his way into the mainstream. Glad to see a kat like him crack the algorithm and just make enough off YouTube to just do YouTube. He has great will thought out videos. Even when I don’t agree with him I feel like he’s always coming from a good faith place and genuinely and generally believes in black leftie thought.

  • As an American I think our general lack of knowledge of Hawaii is just plain sad. We just told in school “…And Hawaii is a beautiful collection of islands that became a State 😇✨🇺🇸✨”.

    Being totally honest, prior to like 2018 I had like ZERO knowledge about the real history. Other than the vague knowledge that the government and a handful of MEGACORPS have done every native people dirty. It’s just so pathetic not knowing the truth about native people and history of Hawaii. All and any reference to native peoples is just erased from our education. This sucks so much.

  • It’s also super frustrating that these STEM dweebs have have lucrative skillsets that the “Mark€t™️©️®️ “ “values”. Because of this they can’t justify to themselves why they should go into the public sector for the betterment of the people. STEM dorks across the board would be so much cooler if they were used for public welfare and social good.

    I totally understand why a regular non-CHUD publicly educated STEMheads would go private sector. They have bills and debt and all that jazz, and sadly the public sector jobs can’t give out those sorts of attractive salaries and benefits.

    All of this further perpetuates the cycle original post was talking about. Nerds get their education in the public then leave to private sector which hallows out the public sector. It’s just a vicious and vile cycle.

  • I’m in the same camp as you. When I saw the trailers I thought “Yo this looks kinda dope” but as I watched them I didn’t quite understand what the game was or was meant to be. I kept hearing “it’s a Bethesda game” and then I got kinda confused because I can’t really define a “Bethesda game” like could define a “Arkane Studios game” (excluding Redfall i guess) or an “id Software game” or even a “Yango Gameworks game” to compare against their Bethesda softworks peers.

    Even the official steam description doesn’t really tell me anything if I don’t already know what’s going on with Bethesda.

    Starfield is the first new universe in 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.

    All that just makes me say “Okay cool, you guys have been in the game for 25 years and you made two heavy-hitters. Cool! What is this game though?” I’m not trying to be obtuse or anything, I’m not even being a hater. I’m just saying as a player I don’t know what you’re selling me. Part of me feels like they are making it too abstract so you can’t get mad at them. Like if the game can be anything or everything, if you don’t like it you’re doing something wrong.

    If you go further down in the game description it says

    Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.

    Again, I’m just thinking “Cool you made two award-winning games, that’s tight. What is this game?”

  • Public programs are purposely underfunded to make it easy for people to point to why they don’t work (the average person doesn’t think about/care whether they get funding), making it easier to continue the process of privatizing everything.

    I 420.69% believe this is 100% true. It’s such a great feedback loop for someone wanting to dismantle it. It doesn’t work so no one uses it, no uses it because it doesn’t work, and it doesn’t work because it was underfunded and ill-equipped, and it was underfunded and ill-equipped because they didn’t want it to work. It doesn’t work so no one uses it, its perceived value is lessened so it then doesn’t work.

  • First off just wanna say I have played through VTM:B I think six times in total, sadly I don’t think I ever played the Unofficial patch. It’s truly one of my favorite RPGs of all time. It’s a great game.

    That said I have genuinely little faith in the sequel. I don’t even think I’m being cynical about big box AAA RPGs and all that jazz, I just don’t think this specific project is going to meet expectations. It has had a long and weird development and not in “they overcame impossible odds” sorts of endearing way. Just plain production and development issues.

    I think the heat scars of development hell will leave this game creatively all over the place. They lost key staff at the old studio, the old studio had organization switch ups, switched publishers, lost key staff again, and then the game then switched developers. I’m not saying a good game can’t come out of this sort of development, but I don’t think a cohesive creative vision can. This especially concerning for me as this is a game were tone and mood are paramount to the fantasy fun factor.

    I think a great VTM:B style is needed now more than ever and I think most players would really dig it. I especially think younger katz will really like how WoD games are all about forging new understandings self/identity with weird makeshift families will raging against existing often unjust hierarchies. However, I feel like the news surrounding this project since its announcement make me feel like were going to get a “just release something” sort of title. Any MEGACORP AAA publisher like Paradox probably wants this mess offer their books. Again I’m not trying to be cynical or salty.