LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]

Cracker-ass drunk loser who forgot he added this bio while shidding out his doodoo ass

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • These posts always make me question myself because I’ve basically never worn deodorant or antiperspirant.

    I’ve had jobs where you can’t be stinky(sales,office jobs, at a hospital), and nobody has ever said anything. I’ve lived with partners for 16 years, none have ever complained about my smell(besides times when anyone would smell, like after a long run on a hot day).

    I’m guessing I just have lucky personal body chemistry, but I’m sure there will be some people telling themselves I’m just smelly and don’t know it.

  • All of the other arguments are good, but I want to add one thought I have.

    One aspect of UBI that worries me is that most plans want to eliminate all current welfare policies and replace them with UBI. That makes it really easy for some future government to neuter what small benefits people currently have.

    If they want to cut all welfare programs now, they have to pass tons of legislation to eliminate food banks, EBT, Social security, SSI, Section 8, HUD public housing, fuel assistance, etc. They would be putting a ton of the federal and state employees that administer these programs out of work. Most of the public has accepted that these programs are the status quo and would be against eliminating them. There are reasons these things haven’t been taken completely away during previous austerity movements.

    If it’s just UBI, it’s just one number that can be adjusted down or left to dwindle due to inflation.

    It’s all bandaids for the real problem, but those bandaids are currently keeping some people alive and I don’t want to trade them away for some tech bro plan that can be easily fucked with when the public starts thinking UBI is the cause of inflation or higher taxes or whatever.

  • LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    I was at BJ’s wholesale, where they always check every receipt. Usually it’s just a cursory glance, but one day they had some cop wannabe checking off every item on the receipt, causing a huge backup. I pushed my cart past the line and left. The guy chased me out into the parking lot, took my plate number and told me he was calling the cops. Nothing came of it, but it embarrassed the shit out of my partner.

    I went home and did a bunch of research. From what I found, there aren’t a lot of cases that addressed the issue, but I found a two civil cases where people were physically detained after refusing to show their receipt. They sued for false arrest and their cases were both dismissed. I’m not a lawyer and there may be newer case law on this.

    I hate the checks, but it isn’t worth it to me to risk dealing with cops when I’m not getting anything from it and making someone else’s job harder.

  • LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Checking receipts when you leave a store. They have cameras everywhere and they can access my receipt through their computer system. I already paid, this is my stuff, they shouldn’t be able to detain me without suspicion I stole something.

    I don’t raise a stink with the poor person checking receipts, though, because I am not an asshole.

  • I remember being in 4th grade and my teacher taught us about the formation of Israel. That night I mentioned to my dad about how Israel was made by taking the land of other nations. My dad was like, “How do you think America was made? It was made by stealing other people’s land”.

    To this day I have no idea if my dad was being based or justifying the existence of Israel. Probably the latter, knowing my father, but I’m choosing to believe it was the former.

  • most business owners might try to appear politically neutral publicly (as a means of avoiding controversy that might affect their business)

    It constantly surprises me how many businesses have abandoned this principle in the Trump era. There’s a new shop in my town that erected a huge sign that says, “Vote out the corrupt Democrats in all 50 states!”. This is in a town that voted 71% for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I don’t understand a business owner that would try so hard to get the majority of residents to avoid their business.

  • I think homework harmed me because I wouldn’t do it and I didn’t have parents that were very involved in my life to make me do it. I went to school during the peak of the homework madness in my area so we were expected to do hours of homework each day.

    I always learned the material, always passed the tests, almost never did the homework. I had to do summer school once, was held back the next year, and then dropped out because it’s embarrassing to be held back and not know any of your classmates.

    I’m not sure that homework has no value at all, but I don’t think it’s smart to penalize kids for not doing work at home. Not everyone has a home conducive to homework and expecting “homework clubs” to work seems nieve to me. I know I wouldn’t have chosen to stay at school longer to do homework, and my parents wouldn’t have made me.

    If kids need more time dedicated to learning, why can’t the school day be made longer to accommodate it? I get that teachers already don’t have enough time, but why couldn’t you have a study period staffed by other people?

  • I’m using amcrest cameras with frigate. They work offline, but their doorbell cameras are wireless only, IIRC.

    Frigate records and does object detection, so you can get notifications(with photos in the notification) only when there is a certain object in a certain area(like only people in one area, cars and people in another, cats in a third area).

    It’s a cheap setup if you already have a server running 24/7. It takes quite a bit of setup, but has been trouble free since.