LargePenis [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2021

  • Good morning everyone from Beirut, Lebanon. I’m taking a car to Damascus today, straight to the land of the Lion. I was coincidentally in Burj Hammoud with my cousin last night, which is an Armenian neighbourhood in the eastern edge of Beirut. Tensions are very high for sure, two older Armenian dudes got into a fist fight in a street cafe while arguing about Pashinyan. Which reminds me, you’re probably getting a cuck n chad ranking next Monday, with Pashinyan and the Armenian diaspora in America competing hard for the cuck spots.

    On another note, this whole counter-offensive thing really sucked. Progress is so damn slow that I haven’t even learned new names of random villages in Zaporozhye for weeks now. 100 days in and we’re still talking about Kamianske, Robotyne and Verbove

  • No cuck n chad ranking this week, maybe next week as well unless something funny and cool happens. I’m travelling to Bashar Al Assad’s based Syria this week and staying for a while. I’m changing jobs soon and got a relatively fat paycheck for doing that and also around two months off in between jobs. So I decided to take my wife to Syria and Lebanon, where it’s quite cheap, and I live for free there with random family members, and I sort of got addicted to the Middle East when I last visited. In exchange for no rankings, you’ll get cool stories and possibly some pics if the internet situation permits and I feel comfortable doing so. If I die in an American or Israeli airstrike on Damascus, tell Bernie Sanders that he’s a cuck and bury me next to Prigozhin.

  • Just wanted to share a funny Libya/Gaddafi/Green Book story from my Syrian-Lebanese communist uncle. When my uncle was studying engineering in the USSR in the 80s, his roommate and best friend was an Iraqi guy from a relatively poor family who also got a grant to go study in the USSR. The Iraqi government back under Baathism used to give thousands of grants to young Iraqis to go study in mainly Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the USSR. This guy was Shia muslim, from a religious family with secret Persian ancestry that my uncle only found out recently about, when talking to his old friend, who kept it hidden all this time.

    Anyway, this guy’s family get into a conflict with a local Baath Party office because of some religious incident, which snowballs into this guy’s brothers getting arrested. The Baath dudes also cancelled my uncle’s friend’s grant in the USSR, which was around 200 USD at that time. Suddenly he’s dirt poor, with half his family in prison in Iraq. He decided to toughen up and survive the situation, as he needed to stay in the USSR to avoid going back to Iraq without a degree and then drafted for the Iraq-Iran War.

    When his situation worsens later and he starts to starve with no money, he comes up with a master plan. Libya had awful relations with Saddam’s Iraq in the 80s, so this guy showed up at the Libyan Embassy in Moscow and presented himself as an Iraqi dissenter that likes the Libyan system. A week later they call him and tell him to come to the embassy. They give him nearly $1000 in cash and a whole box full with copies of Gaddafi’s Green Book, on the condition that he promotes the book to other Iraqis. He accepts the offer of course and survives excellently on that money until the Iraqis reapprove his grant. He then actually worked in Libya for a few years, and he was directly contacted by his local Libyan embassy because his name had been registered as a “potential engineer” in a list somewhere.

  • New cuck n chad ranking. Slimmed international section as things have been slow.

    Russia - Ukraine cuck n chad power ranking

    Gigachad Chad Neutral Beta Male Virgin Cuck
    Lukashenko (Forever chad) Zelensky (actor president still hanging on + fired cringe Reznikov) ⬆️ Surovikin (dude is just walking with his wife wearing jeans away from the front, respect) ⬆️ Shoigu (immortal cuck, but can’t dismiss his current W streak) Reznikov (most cringe Ukr official and now fired lol) ⬇️
    Attention span of 5 Hexbear users that still follow daily UKR vs RUS news SuriyakMaps (good neutral objective maps) Prigozhin (final position for a special man, but sadly got owned) 🕯 Putin (still riding the Prigo killing, but is now considering grain deal again) The Russian government (neoliberal gigacucks)

    International cuck n chad power ranking

    Gigachad Chad Neutral Beta (Fe)Male Virgin Cuck
    Bashar Al Assad (guaranteed spot for the Lion as always) Gabon coup dudes (keep annoying France, chads) Modi’s India (they’re doing a good job with annoying the West, but are almost genocidal towards Muslims in India Mason Greenwood (self-admitted rapist keeps playing football) Olaf Scholz + all Germans (celebrating the one year anniversary of the Nordstorm bombing)
    Brace Belden (keeping the gigachad spot for his Ebola bit) Shinzo Abe’s killer (best assassination in modern history, dude achieved all his goals) Saudi Arabia (giving China the contract for the nuclear power plant) Hillary Clinton (the Libya talk reminded me of this ghoul) Emmanuel Macron + French hegemony (getting absolutely dragged on all levels recently)

  • 🚨🚨 Coup underway in Gabon and looks like it has mostly succeeded

    Instability in Gabon even more damaging to French imperialism than Niger in a way. Niger has been battling instability for decades due to constant military shenanigans and jihadists swooping in and out. Gabon on the other hand has been extraordinarily stable under the military dictatorship of French lapdogs Omar Bongo and Ali Bongo. Omar Bongo was president for 42 years and did nothing but enrich himself, his friends and French companies. Infant mortality is shockingly high for example, while the oil boom money was used for a 800m presidential palace and mansions in the French countryside. When he died in 2009, power was transferred to his equally corrupt son Ali Bongo. The seeds of discontent were already planted in 2016, when Ali Bongo was reelected in a hilariously corrupt election and there were large protests across the country, which ended after a violent crackdown by the military. Good day for us Hexbears, an L for France is a W for humanity

  • I get your argument about Putin. My reasoning behind Putin not getting a better ranking is that he indirectly created the conditions for the uprising, barely did anything on that day, allowed Prigo to roam free in St. Petersburg and Belarus after the coup attempt, and then killed him in a such cowardly manner instead of arresting him and executing him in the Red Square like a chad would do. All that makes Putin a cuck imo, especially after not even having the balls to go to South Africa for the most BRICS summit ever.

    Prigo gets that little grace period after death where we remember the good and funny in a person. Next ranking will feature a more objective view of Prigo’s beautifully complicated psst.

  • New cuck n chad rankings, a bit late this time as I’ve been busy with work. This edition is dedicated to Prigozhin, a chad that God took too early.

    Russia - Ukraine cuck n chad power ranking

    Gigachad Chad Neutral Beta Male Virgin Cuck
    Lukashenko (Forever chad) Ukrainian cannon fodder (these guys deserve the little success) Zelensky (moderate Ws for the Z-man this week with the F-16 deal and some counter-offensive progress) ⬆️ Shoigu (gangster-style killed Prigo to hide his cuckness) Dmitry Utkin (rest in piss nazi)
    Empty spot in honor of Prigozhin 🕯🕯 SuriyakMaps (good neutral objective maps) Challenger tanks (haven’t exploded yet, but sadly Bri*ish) Putin (flexed on his main hater Prigo, still missed the BRICS meeting) ⬆️ The Russian government (neolibs neolibbing as usual)

    International cuck n chad power ranking

    Gigachad Chad Neutral Beta (Fe)Male Virgin Cuck
    Bashar Al Assad (guaranteed spot for the Lion as always) Niger coup dudes (they’re riding the wave excellently tbh) Gunther Fehlinger (his commitment to the bit makes me respect him) “Israeli” soliders that defect because fascism = bad (lmao) Fatima Al Momen (Kuwaiti influencer that did DUI and killed three young dudes, then falsely them accused of sexual assault)
    Brace Belden (got the coup manual right, and beefing with lawyers on Twitter) BRICS+ Pro Max (expansion = good, but empowering ghouls like Sisi and MBZ isn’t good imo) Pope Francis (he’s weirdly good for a pope sometimes) Alan Dershowitz (this pedophile is still alive) Luis Rubiales (sexually assaulted World Cup winning woman, then blamed cancel culture)
    Fulton County (formally arresting Trump and his goons is hilarious, nice that they actually did it) Donald Trump (even getting arrested boosts him, even his mugshot was cool) ⬆️ Bernie Sanders (this man’s history is much better than his current constant cuckery for Biden) Vivek Ramaswamy (he’s so scummy) Ron DeSantis (he’s done folks, zero charisma from this loser)