Mmmm ice cream so good!
Mmmm ice cream so good!
I can imagine an entire nation where this is true at most workplaces.
Pretty rare anyone says it explicitly tho
I dunno maybe because they have more money behind them than god. Maybe because the have a history of making large video games.
Like I know Bethesda kinda sucks but they have the resources to not.
I don’t understand why people keep using a history of sucking as like a shield from criticism.
I played Outer Worlds for an hour and a half and uninstalled lmao
Outer Wilds comes to mind although it tells its story in a very different manner.
Trying to play games with a large narrative component designed for mass appeal after playing Disco Elysium makes me wanna take a Dremel to my skull so I can carefully remove my brain and throw it into traffic.
Big “I wish everyone were dead except for me” energy
I wanna make a popular video game with the most robust character creation anyone has ever seen but it will not let you make a standard white guy.
Who coined “NASApunk”? I need to know so I can shout at them until I’m blue in the face it’s so stupid.
I’m tired of people just abusing language and just smashing words they don’t understand together to make a shorter words that are even more incomprehensible.
When people use “punk” in this way they prove they only understand it as an aesthetic and not it’s ideology whatsoever.
Or fuck it maybe I’ll just give in. Everyone knows there is nothing more punk than a literal government agency.
I was watching streams all day yesterday while I had a torrent going. After a few hours of watching I just cancelled the download. It’s bad.
A friend of mine claims he “only plays good video games” and I asked him what that means and he told me “mostly I don’t play video games with zombies” and I think he’s onto something