Lucero [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • To an extent the poster is right that the communism that will come in the future will be one of nesscity and survival, they are wrong that the working class really benefits thats much from the imperial plunder of the machine so much as labor aristocracy really does. You can see proof of this when you look at places like the south and midwest really places outside of newyork and LA you notice not only a core and peirfery with countries but with in countries and this is key to understand why workers hate other workers indifferent sectors why you have to make diffenet appeals to these workers when you talk to them about problems in there area.

    To the people screeching like monkeys calling for people to touch grass and go outside makeing claims of armchair politics. Listen I don’t like the smug energy either but you already have failed as a communist you need to be able to work with people that don’t think exactly like you. Really think about this when the climate leviathan comes and the usa military or what ever decides to have a faction struggle and they abandoned your area your living for what ever reason, your gonna have to work with people other workers with additudes you don’t like to survive, you need to be able to present a vision that is more then a critique on what to do in that moment and that means convincing people you don’t like, working with people who don’t share your common goal, and showing them your right with action in the real world or evidence and argumentation in the digital as long as that keeps existing which is a big if.

    Politics cant just be a self identity because that means you where never serious, your signing up for a project you will not see the completion of or likey benefits of much like soviet workers in the 1930 during break neck industrialization living on 1300 calories a day who will likely die in a world War in just a couple years. YOU HAVE TO HAVE DEEPER reasons then belief or methological individal self identity to build the strength of character nessarry to deal with the moment.

    Touching grass is a cop out, defending thought leaders on YouTube is also a cop out.

    Its starting to look like we are gonna get power until the whole planet is in various climate devastation, deeply think about what that means for the left right now, is defending a thought leader YouTuber on reddit a good use of your time? Is me posting this shit a good use of my time (self crit) no probley not.

  • The inflation is mostly supply chain problems that are unfixable in the medium to long term, im not a final crisis guy but its starting to shape up that way. The other question is who will restore profitability post crash China is running out if growth they dint have double digit growth they cant save the west like they did in 2008, India cant do it either for reasons that they never mulched their peasantry and are actively hostile to any liberalization market reforms. Even if this ended ups in a crisis the left broadly speak needs to handle the ongoing crisis with institutions that have yet to be built. That sorta means we won’t get any power except as a response to disaster, a politics of nessecity and that can be really bad.

  • The conservative end of liberalism has had this weird brain wrinkle forever, except the court is political it quite literally is a political institution created by politics to enforce laws And serve justice, justice being the enforcement of laws not a value proposition of if the law is (insert what ever you want here, just, ethical, righteous, serves the right values.) Like how has the court ever not been political inherently. It’s just either bad faith or trying to side step the court is only political when the court enforces laws you don’t like.

    I get real tired you can’t separate the political from the econmic and you can’t separate the court from the political. At least in my opinion. Like just say you disagree with the political values the court enforces holy shit.

    This lady: But I don’t want to do that because it would look bad to say this outloud in crowded room because of what it implys, so I am gonna say the courts are geting political, so I don’t have to say what I mean.

    Me: sounds like a you problem. packwatch

  • I guess maybe your right I think I want to take serious the superstructure of ideology and how years of neoliberalism material base informs increasingly more fringe ideology popng up on the internet, like trying to understand why maga communism is a thing, why are some teens into r/neoliberal. But I also was a teenager at one point so I get that perspective.

  • I don’t like this guy but I cant, begrudge people for having confused politics, pretty much every major ideology has failed in the last 50ish years. We have this rank centrist liberalism that manages to stay in power because frankly no one is competent or confident in their version of an alternative (including us if we are honest, it could be changing I have reasons I think it might) but also to be clear this liberal centrism is wet paper as both partys have to use negative partisanship in order to stay legitment so its more that liberals version of communism exists today and all they have to do is defend it from criticism but even they are facing a crisis of legimacy.

    Staying on topic its strange we haven’t seen people like this weirdo earlier.

  • Still not a home wish I had my sources, the pentagon pay something like 80k people to post online in counter terrorism operations in America so whats that like the entire current dsa almost in posters. It’s pretty insane im suprized we don’t see more of them, also they arent all positng on English cites a lot are mandarin, some English, some Spanish, various eu languages. So in reality not really that much. Per language but yeah its a thing and I’m not suprized we don’t see more, a lot of them are mods on various cites.

    Please don’t get doom pilled over this the entire English posting division is the size of hexbear and that’s so pose to stop the entire left internet on English cites its really pitiful.

  • I gave up on college for that exact reason due to learning disabilitys, having to work put so much stress on study time I could not decompress and would start to implode mentally on hard classes then I’d try to manage this by taking 3 easy classes 1 hard one, I got left all hard classes and gave up because the debt would leave me unable to afford a house. Soooooooo Now im back to working but now I don’t have the income in a two income household or the opportunities to do anything and housing in utah is sky high, the only silver lining is trama from school didn’t get me to successful commit suicide, and I found a partner I love. Anyone else think this sound familiar to your life?

    America is an absolute fuck right now working class Americans need a responsive party like right now so we can at least have people to hang out and socialize with because holy fuck the working class is decomposing we are in anretched state isolated and alone, no party to soothe our pain, gifted credentialed workers look down on us they won’t share skills with us or form partys to help us find jobs or have social community. I understand you guys are just as fucked in. Different ways but we are living hand to mouth and I don’t want to become lumpin, please for the love of all that is good please help us form parties, we have comrades stranded in the country side who are even worse off then us in the city and they hate both of us because we have infrastructure and they only see us in weird mediated spaces online where our city culture looks alien and vice versa. Ok red talk over.

  • Isn’t like it more like.

    Captlism class distinctions And no worker control or worker democracy

    Socalism is you got worker control of stuff but you still have class distinctions, but worker democracy and a smaller state then under captliasm but still a state and there aren’t any captlist countrys lefts to challenge power.

    Communism is no class distinctions and even so far to say the completel removal of the state and outsourcing of democracy to technical abstractions.

    Something like that.