• 227 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    4 hours ago

    Christians do not suffer like that. It’s literally impossible for Christians to suffer like that, as they make up the vast majority of the country. No one can possibly oppress a majority. Hurt their feelings, maybe, but not oppress.

    Right. It’s not like the symbol of their religion isn’t literally a dead guy hanging on a cross. Totally a sign of how much they don’t suffer.

    You’re acting as if Christians are somehow a completely homogenous group who all constantly agree on everything all the time. If anything, this shows how blatantly ignorant you are of the reality.

    It’s not just that there are hundreds of different denominations whose only commonality is that they agree on who God is, but who constantly feud about various aspects and interpretations of their theology, but even within individual churches you’ll rarely find two individuals who are in complete agreement with each other about everything.

    And it’s not as if Christians are somehow immune to addiction, self-harm, or even suicide. The smallest minority is the minority of one, and that’s in fact what the crucifix stands for, because Jesus went up alone against a mob full of murderous rage to defend the rights of the individual to be free from religious prosecution.

    But I like your suggestion, so in the spirit of reconciliation, might I offer the following compromise: instead of the Ten Commandments, we use Jesus’s version found in Matthew 19:18:

    • You shall not murder
    • You shall not commit adultery
    • You shall not steal
    • You shall not bear false witness
    • Honor your father and your mother
    • You shall love your neighbor as yourself

    There, no more reference to any God, creed, or mandatory holy days. Gay or straight, male or female, brown or white, Muslim or Buddhist, no one is excluded or unduly put upon. Except people whose religion tells them it’s good to kill or steal from other people I guess…

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    7 hours ago

    Again, I’m going to assume you’re being serious here and respond as if it’s a real conversation.

    I appreciate that, and I will do my best to honor that.

    You say that the ten commandments are a sign of respect. A respect for whom or what?

    They’re a sign of respect for and recognition of the essential humanity of others. No one likes to be lied to, stolen from, murdered, or envied. There is no exception made for rich and powerful people, nor for different races, creeds, or sexual orientations.

    Yes, you can make the case that they also proscribe a requirement to believe in the Christian God, in which case I would say that’s no different than arguing that the pride flag is not saying that you have to be gay.

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    7 hours ago

    Alright, I looked up the definition and this is what I found:

    Bad faith is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another. It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service. It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception.

    So in order for me to be guilty of this, I would have to pretend that I am in favor of LGBT while simultaneous arguing against it. If you can show me where I did that, I will accept the charge. But you can’t, because I never did that. Ergo, you are simply misusing the word in order to convict me of some sort of wrongdoing. It is, in fact, you who is acting in bad faith here.

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    9 hours ago

    Okay, culture works. But it nevertheless strikes me as odd that you keep using the word “bad faith”, because it implies that there IS a component of faith involved which you are accusing me of being in violation of. Hence I am going to maintain my position that LGBT has at least a quasi-religious character.

    Also, I can’t help but notice that by saying “certain people are OK to exist”, you are elevating their right to exist over that of everyone else, i.e. you are creating in- and outgroups, those whose rights are worth protecting and those whose aren’t — something the Nazis knew a thing or two about.

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    9 hours ago

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s nothing in the Ten Commandments that is inherently unegalitarian.

    There is no commandment that says “thou shalt steal from minorities” or “thou shalt give preferred treatment to the rich and powerful”. It does not create any in- or outgroups either — everyone is considered worthy of the same protection, and I don’t think I need to explain how not stealing, not killing, not lying, and not being envious of others strengthens society.

    It seems to me that you are projecting an awful lot onto this text that isn’t actually there.

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    10 hours ago

    I’ve seen enough evidence to be convinced that it absolutely IS happening.

    Yes, there is no government mandate to do that, but it is happening nevertheless. There are tons of videos on YouTube of teachers explaining why it’s important to them. And while it’s true that LGBT doesn’t meet the definition of a traditional, organized religion, it does strike me as having quasi-religious character, as evidenced by the automatic assumption that anyone speaking out against it is acting in bad faith (i.e. committing blasphemy).

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    10 hours ago

    A pride flag is a symbol of acceptance. It’s saying that it’s okay to be gay. It’s not saying you have to be gay, it’s not saying you have to like that people are gay, just that it’s okay to be gay.

    Well, in the same way you could say that the Ten Commandments are just a symbol of respect. You don’t have to like them, you don’t even have to follow them, but it would be nicer if you did.

    The first one is not authoritarian. Not giving orders to anybody, and not restricting people outside the group that created it.

    Try seeing what happens when someone dares to remove the flag, or even just says in its presence that they don’t like gay people. I bet you the authoritarianism is going to show up real quick.

  • I don’t think I look that different without makeup, sometimes people just ask if I didn’t sleep well last night if I don’t.

    For the vast majority of women, that’s probably true, but you only need to look up makeup tutorials on YouTube to see that some women take it to a whole other level where they end up looking almost unrecognizable by the time they’re done.