• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Okay, thanks. Yes, that makes sense. I guess the fact that Reddit URL posts often generate an accompanying image (from the URL) whereas that’s less the case here, made me believe that it (having an image accompany a post) could be manually done here. This belief was fostered by how the layout is organized here, in that it’s vertical rather than horizontal, with the URL option above the image option. This suggested a hierarchy, where URL would still be recognized if it was specified, with the image supporting this rather than overriding it. Alas, that’s not the case. In Reddit, where the post structure layout is more horizontal (at least when using a laptop/desktop – don’t know about mobile) it’s clear that a choice of image negates creating a URL post.

  • No loss for me. I don’t give a rat’s ass about AI chatbots. And I myself have excluded Google from my online activities. I use Debian Linux. My phone has LineageOS without Google Play Services – instead I use apps from f-droid, including OsmAnd~ for mapping. I never use Google search (I rely on DuckDuckGo). Any YouTube videos I may wish to view I use either FreeTube or Invidious (the latter via the Firefox addon LibRedirect). For translation, it’s LibreTranslate. If I wish to see news articles I’ll go directly to media sites such as The Star, The Globe and Mail, CBC, or via the news search on DuckDuckGo. Anyone who is still allowing themselves to be a product of Google is misguided, as far as I’m concerned.