If what you need is s way to synchronize a folder to your Google Drive, you can use Celeste. Is a cloud synchronization client that works pretty well, although is not perfect, but you can give a try and judge for yourself.
Now, if you want to replace Gdrive with another cloud service , Nextcloud is a grate alternative
Jesus Christ… I mean, Kim Jong-un…
Oh, now they’re going the theocratic way, wonderful…
Proudly an Edgy Bitch and some times a depressed homosexual.
I didn’t even know it was Musk lol
I don’t remember if it was when I was 18 or 19, but there was a birthday when my plan was to invite my friends over for pizzas and have a good time at home. I had communicated this very clearly to my family. The thing is that when my friends arrived at the time I told them, my family didn’t have anything ready, I asked them what was going on and they didn’t answer me. My friends, who lived far away, had to leave at dusk. It was then that my family became active, and they put me to make the pizzas, the appetizers and so on, all for them and without my consent or knowledge. Eventually my friends came to think that I didn’t want them to eat pizza or be there to celebrate, and it made me feel really bad. I think ever since then, when my family asks me what I want to do for my birthday, I say nothing, since they will still do whatever they want.
I mean… Yeah? But I was referring to a Full Soulslike game in 3D, and I see Hollow knight more like a Metroidvania with some Soulslike features.
We already had an Ocean Soulslike (Another Crab’s Treasure). Now we need a Bug Soulslike.
It was just a tweet… And then they say that the “wokes” are the hypersensitive snowflakes?
Whenever I see on Youtube Shorts something too crazy to be true, I immediately do a quick research and don’t stop until I have three sources (counting wikipedia) to corroborate the information.
You are now morally obligated to go to a moderator and ask them to ban you.
Don’t give more money to the millionaire mold-brain witch, pirate her shit 🏴☠️
Nah, that’s a blessing, you can experience Chainsaw man again almost like the first time, that awesome.
En verdad no tengo problemas con la edad para votar actual.
Estoy convencido, como alguien ya adulto que pasó por la adolescencia, de que los adolescentes no tienen idea de que es lo que quieren en la vida, son muy volubles y manipulables y no es hasta que llegan a la adultez que pueden empezar crearse una idea de cuáles son sus ideales politicos. Vamos, incluso los adultos no lo tienen muy claro hasta que están más cerca de los 30 que de los 20, pero aumentar la edad de votación hasta las 30 o más sacaría a muchos de votantes de la ecuación, la mayoría de ellos gente con ideas progresistas.
Los 18 quizá no sea ideal, pero es aceptable. Hablas de Greta, por lo que he leído recientemente ella a sus dieciocho ha madurado aún más sus ideas, dándose cuenta de que los problemas son más sistemático, algo de lo que quizá no era consciente a sus 16. En lo personal, hay un montón de cosas que no consideraba a mis 16 que no fue hasta mis 22, cuando pude votar por primera vez, que me di cuenta de ellas.
“I’m gonna tell you that you’re wrong but ain’t gonna explain why because Fuck you” ass actitud.
Now he’s done. He’s gonna lose. Swifties are like 70% of USA population… I think.
As a Venezuelan living in Venezuela, I wish that the shooter had not missed…
I hate how debates have been bastardized into simplistic “Argument Box fight s” instead of being the spaces for sharing and discussing ideas to reach a common ground that they were in the first place.
In my opinion, enshittification occurs when, among other things, the user experience is “ruined” in order to generate profits by offering “improvements” that are nothing more than going back to previous states of the platform, only now paying or paying more.
While it could happen that some parts of the Fediverse could become Shitty, it seems impossible to me that it would happen in the whole fediverse. There’s always the option of blocking problematic instances and such. And anyway, users who enter the fediverse do so mostly fleeing from enshittification, so, I think, we are less willing to put up with that kind of bullshit and will leave sooner rather than later, maybe creating something new (and better, if possible).