My name’s not Rick.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I like what John Rennie has to say about Ray:

    Therein lie the frustrations of Kurzweil’s brand of tech punditry. On close examination, his clearest and most successful predictions often lack originality or profundity. And most of his predictions come with so many loopholes that they border on the unfalsifiable.

    Futurist is such a bullshit title, imo. Leo Laporte has a woman on TWiT fairly often, can’t recall her name, but she’s a “futurist” and she’s constantly sniffing her own farts when she’s on.

  • Bibi has a coalition government as his party didn’t get enough votes on their own in the last election. He cozied up with some far right parties to make said government. A lot of those parties have a support base made up of ultra conservative (ultra-orthodox) Jews. Essentially they’re the Jewish version of evangelical Christians. They’re insular, follow the Torah to exact letter of the law, and up until this point they were exempt from conscription as they see their service to the state as study. Many in Israel hold them in contempt for not pitching in for Israel’s security. Essentially Bibi’s coalition partners may quit the government if this comes into effect which could force new elections.