nördlich von Flensburg glücklicher
…wenn sie immer genug dicke Bärenfelle zum Anziehen haben! ;-)
nördlich von Flensburg glücklicher
…wenn sie immer genug dicke Bärenfelle zum Anziehen haben! ;-)
Wieder mal der gute alte Unterschied von Koinzidenz, Korrelation und Kausalität?
Oder es ist einfach so ein Magnetfeld. In Wirklichkeit ist ja die Donau die Grenze, nicht dieser blöde alte Holzgartenzaun. Das viele fließende Wasser erzeugt also so ein Erdstrahlen-Magnetfeld, und das ist natürlich links des Flusses ein rechtsdrehendes, und rechts des Flusses ein linksdrehendes Magnetfeld. Eins davon macht die Leute fleißiger und intelligenter, das andere macht krank, genau wie die Handystrahlen, aber jetzt hör ich lieber auf und arbeite wieder was… :)
Cage fight is no option anymore? 😎
Well, maybe it is better this way. Let them ruin each other, and their companies. The world will be a better place then.
Feels like this guy is on the way to meet Darwin…
I mean, how can anybody seriously ask the whole Arab world for a new wave of terrorism? :-(
They had 300 years then where the next one usually murdered the previous one…
Your first try with a generated text?
She isn’t holding a thing.
She is holding her open, empty hand, and she is looking up to you, and she says: “…yes, really, that big. Now look at you. Can you see why I just am a little disappointed?”
who was a mechanical engineer
Tell him my greetings. I am an electrical engineer (I have even studied acoustics for several semesters) and I have made my jokes about mechanical engineers all my life. But I don’t think that they are actually stupid ;-)
He’s a very straight forward man
he is also a very picky man
He is right about it. They are bad. The sad truth is: they are all less than perfect, and hard to endure.
Scientists have improved them during the last 10 or 20 years, and they still have to improve them a lot more in the next 10 years or 20. Until then, everybody can only choose these current ones, that are less than good.
But these devices are even worse if they are not adapted to the person.
You can’t just buy them off the shelf and wear them like you do with a wooden leg, that has either the correct length or you cut off a little.
You need to adapt many different parameters before they start to be somewhat helpful. It is because hearing is super complex.
So regarding your question about the best device, it is neither the brand nor the price, but whether you (or your audiologist) can adapt it good to the person.
This will take some weeks of trying it out, and then adapt again.
This is the actual choice he needs to make:
Either have the stamina to let somebody adapt the devices for him, then try them for a few weeks, and then repeat this for at least three rounds of adapting and trying. Or let it all be, and grow old as a deaf man.
It is alive. It is a predator. It wants to eat you!
Quotes may help you.
Trump’s children do it, because it is all just so shameful.
No. Managers do not like the hardworking employees but the ones who crawl up their asses all the time.
IMHO werden die Autofahrer den Seitenabstand erst dann überwiegend einhalten, wenn die Radler ihrerseits das auch tun.
woke up one day and said
LOL No. He built this up his whole life. Even wrote a detailed book about his ideas and plans 20 years or so in advance.
RAM. Ich gönne mir aktuell 16G in meinem privaten PC und 48 in meinem Homeserver. Ein erheblicher Beitrag zum Lebensglück :) aber auch zur Gesamtnutzungsdauer der Geräte.
I would wake up from the nightmare.
So you have to create an instance, and be that bad admin.
And then don’t forget to hate yourself ;-)
And the price is you have a cop now, telling us who can talk and what they can say.
Lemmy’s solution is that you can vote with your feet (=choose another instance with an admin to your liking)
Of course the solution is incomplete. Real bad admins remain a possibility.
That is kinda equal to a free world: Real bad humans are a possibility.
Big fat BUT:
If you really want a world where all bad people (according to your own definition) are excluded, then you have turned yourself into that cop that you despise so much.
We, the smaller moons.