a right-wing authoritarian racist, but not a fascist
that distinction may seem purely aesthetical to you but it is important not to overuse the word too much. Not to “cry wolf one too many times”.
sources (in german):
(Trump isn’t a fascist, but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous) https://www.freitag.de/autoren/the-guardian/donald-trump-ist-kein-faschist-aber-das-macht-ihn-nicht-weniger-gefaehrlich
(Trump, the fascist? The rethorical cannon of the democrats feels excessive - and a bit panicked) https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/donald-trump-ein-faschist-die-rhetorische-kanone-der-demokraten-wirkt-masslos-und-etwas-panisch-ld.1854329
No, but I can get a better confederacy. Given that I come from the confederatio helvetica and not the united states, you know.
Also I’d like to know how you got to the conclusion that I, vocal and voting against fascism, am complicit in its rise?