NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • I feel like there’s something uniquely cringe about the way redditors seem to love more than anything to invoke the names of the fallacies. Like if someone’s argument isn’t sound it’s totally reasonable to point that out, but the redditbrain seems to only care about naming the fallacy rather than actually doing that. Of course there’s also just the fact they’re just wrong a lot of the time. Like yeah for sure believing in cause and effect is definitely a slippery slope fallacy you got me

  • I’m not necessarily anti-tone indicators (and I’d certainly not call them cringe) but I feel like they’re often not amazing at actually solving the problems they intend to solve. You can certainly put a /s after something to indicate sarcasm, which might help a little, but knowing that what was said wasn’t meant literally doesn’t necessarily help to know what actually was meant. Sarcasm can have some pretty different intended implications which aren’t conveyed by a single indicator. In the case of /hj it’s even more ambiguous, because something being ‘half a joke’ could mean many different things. It can be that it’s somehow kind of exaggerated but at its core somehow true, that an unspecified part of what was said was a joke, or even that it’s literally true or a genuine statement but presented as a joke or entirely a joke but someone judges it’s funnier to imply part of it isn’t somehow, and probably many more things.

    Does it really harm you so much to ask a clarifying question to determine if you understood correctly before jumping to attacking a user’s message?

    Certainly not, but I don’t think this is really where the problem lies. If I genuinely don’t understand someone’s message I will ask what they mean and I think most people do so as well. It’s when you think that you know you’ve understood the message and that it’s worth attacking that you attack them. In theory I guess you could do that literally all of the time, but it’s still possible your clarifying question isn’t interpreted as you intended it for many of the same reasons you may have misinterpreted theirs in the first place, and people who are acting in bad faith are unlikely to respond in good faith. It’s also just seems kind of tedious to have to respond to every bad take by basically echoing the bad take back to them to hope they respond and tell me they indeed have this take so I can actually respond to it, and it gives people acting in bad faith a lot of breathing room.

  • Not 100% related but one thing I’ve noticed here is that it seems to have some trouble differentiating between places where you can cycle and places where you can walk. So if I’m trying to get walking directions in a place where for whatever reason the bike path doesn’t have an accompanying sidewalk it will just tell you to walk in the bike path. Conversely it seems to not realise that certain streets/areas aren’t for bikes at certain times and will try and have you bike there