• 20 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Just that they are actively recruiting people from STEM.

    Most of what made Reddit great was not Huffman’s software but the people that were worth chatting with. Most of those people did not come here, hence the huge lack of niche subjects here by comparison.

    Though indeed, even before the whole fuck spez fiasco Reddit was becoming enshittified, as it encouraged people to talk rather than listen - e.g. to make a new post rather than be able to find an existing one. And yes, it also encouraged us to become pedantic assholes, making every one of us defensive - me too.

    A fantastic article somewhat related btw: https://medium.com/@max.p.schlienger/the-cargo-cult-of-the-ennui-engine-890c541cebcb, highlighting that social media becomes what the vision of the developers makes it to be. From the size and position and coloration of the buttons - and which ones, like are downvotes even turned on? - and every little thing, Reddit was doomed to become what it was purely bc of its choice to encourage its own profits at the expense of all else.

    A favorite example of mine is that since ads go in-between posts but not comments, Reddit encouraged “more posts”, far more so than “more comments”, and not at all searching for existing posts, e.g. they only allowed 2 pinned posts, not 5 or 10 or 20 or something, just 2. So in places like r/Android they would have weekly mega threads where people could ask things e.g. “what phone should I buy?”, but rather than help connect people to those mega threads specifically offered for that, the developers forced mods to do the work to try to stem the absolute tsunami of posts all saying “which phone should I buy?” - almost invariably with no other details, each just a child (of whatever mental age) wanting personalized recommendations attention, but thereby halting the ability of people to discuss things related to Android phones, bc how could you get a word mixed in among all that noise?

    Even nonprofit social media is still damaging to us, but to a radically lesser degree it would seem, compared to a for-profit one attempting to predate upon e.g. our anxieties.

  • It’s a double edged sword, that.

    On the one hand, we’re kinda awesome the way we are.:-) Perhaps a bit more content would be good though?

    On the other, there’s like 50 people that generate virtually all the content, and they won’t necessarily be able to keep up that pace forever. If we aren’t sustainable, this project will die off. And I don’t mean like cease working, but rather lose our uniqueness, like what happened to Reddit, which technically remember still exists:-).

    I hear you about “fully mainstream”, but I think we could stand to grow a bit more. What’s going on with mander.xyz and scientists/academics is awesome:-).

  • Yes and no.

    I feel it is important for the human condition - it’s also a part of my faith system but entirely separately from that it also seems to me to lead to the most “zen”, as in if we only focus on ourselves that seems like the fastest way to unhappiness? (Is Jeff Bezos happy? Is Elon Musk? Is Steve Huffman? money flows like a river and if it only comes in but never is given away then that leads to imbalance)

    But so very many organized charities have been revealed to be frauds that I am extremely wary of giving to one that I had not vetted, especially one associated with organized religion. But that requires so very much effort… still it’s part of it and connects you to it.:-)

    One thing I love to do is tip. I’m in America btw, so it’s an important part of what they need, and these are people who are WORKING for it - like, they aren’t just street beggers (although I’ve given to them too - I usually have quite mixed feelings about that one though, and tend to not). Especially if I’m ever in a southern state - 10-20% just barely does anything for a $6 meal at a Waffle House, so those rules should not apply. According to my way of thinking, it is just part of the cost of the service - like I could go to a grocery store and make my own food, but if I to “out” to eat then I want to do what I can to counteract the evil fuckwads who decided that $2.25 an hour or whatever it is before tips are counted towards their paycheck (so not minimum wage + tips but that amount instead).

    And as others are also saying, don’t neglect the non-financial ways of “giving” as well - something as simple as offering to flip a mattress for an old person or trim someone’s yard for someone dealing with an injury, which may be trivial for one but exceedingly difficult for another.

    Also compliments. I’m not good at this and virtually never do it actually - but it might just be more important than anything else you could do for someone, e.g. could you prevent someone’s suicide just by offering such a simple gesture of support? (possibly not entirely intentional too, like a fentanyl overdose) Maybe I’m being too naive here and inflating the power of such… or maybe I’m still underselling the importance here?

    Anyway it’s more about you than it is them - who do you want to be, someone who takes takes takes or someone who gives gives gives? Like when someone sees you walking into the room, do you want them to cover up their wallet/purse or beam with an authentic smile?

    But don’t be stupid about it. If you give away your paycheck and then cannot pay rent, then you’ll be the one needing help. Therefore, treat financial “giving” like any other budgeted amount - not a “I feel like it today so here’s a good tip”, and more of a “every single time I go out, this is what I expect to offer” (and if service is poor so you feel that you can’t give it to them, then find someone else to offer it to?). The vast majority of us really need so much less than consumer culture says that we do - and I for one find chasing the monetized dream to be a futile endeavor, but giving is one of the most sure-fire ways to produce, if not “happiness” (not every time) then at least a settledness/peace overall.

    Dare to be different, especially if you know that you are doing a right thing, and “remember the human” very much seems to be that, for me.

  • OpenStars@discuss.onlinetoScience Memes@mander.xyzScience Journalism
    12 hours ago

    Are we increasing though? I thought we plateaued or even dipped. e.g. https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/stats even says we dropped sharply, like 51k monthly active users in April compared to 47k now (this ignores the halfyear stats that iirc were affected by some technical changes), and the total users tanked from 1.9 mil to just 1.4 (though we surely don’t have that many lurkers, so a lot of those were surely bots/alts), and even servers went down.

    Everyone that I’ve mentioned Lemmy to irl gives me a horrible look like why would you tell me about this TruthSocial-like place (except leftist instead of right-wing as that one is) that actively calls for public beheadings of e.g. landlords?

    So we’ve got some… issues that are blocking our future growth, from reaching more mainstream audiences.

  • If I understand correctly, it is more like it simply would not be available at all.

    At which point, it could be up to each state or even city to provide their own service, with the communist socialist federal one having been killed. So e.g. New York City would have one for sure, I am not so sure about the rest of the state of New York (possibly those parts nearest to NYC would, whereas those further away… may not?), and buttfuc West Virginia… will simply do without. Trump has even let slip these kind of thoughts as he talks about them, e.g. disparaging how schools in, I wanna say Iowa (though it could have been Idaho or sth), won’t do so well moving forward…

    Also, the efficiency is DRASTICALLY reduced, if each city only has data from its own local area to draw upon. The whole reason this stuff works in the first place is that e.g. as winds move over lets say Kansas, then Missouri, etc. but don’t cause a storm yet, but by the time they reach Virginia we know from past experience that there is a very high chance that it will, it is that sharing of that data that makes it all happen.

    The thing is though, that is what “they” want (the more miserable someone is, the more easily controlled they become). And if you want anything differently… get out and vote! Even then, if they decide to push the issue at the point of a bunch of guns, it could get nasty.

  • OpenStars@discuss.onlinetoScience Memes@mander.xyzThe Signal
    2 days ago

    Oh “lobstrosities” for sure (become a crab)

    But I’m firm on the “lobstraganda” (I don’t care just hurry up and become a crab already! - it just makes too much sense, for us crabs uh… gotta go, bye!

    life as a crab is awesome - are you really really sure that you don’t want to join us today already?

    Edit: it took far too much effort to make every single word small like that, so I totally lost track of what I was doing. So replace “crab” with… whatever you want:-).