• 132 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2020


  • I run Wayland on my desktop, but there’s nothing (in my flow) that I miss on my work or travel laptop (which are both X11)

    I guess external monitors are a little clunky on my work laptop, but monitor profiles on XFCE solve the problem (and that’s assuming I wouldn’t have issues on Wayland, too).

    I’m not a Wayland hater, I just don’t have much benefit from it and am waiting for XFCE and the accessibility APIs to get better before I switch.

  • While I appreciate how much you must have looked into my profile to find that, I was actually referring to the startup I worked at in South Korea for half a year. The impact I landed there paved the way for me to get my current job at Meta.

    (RuneScape bots are something I write on the weekend to wind down from work)