Check out my digital garden: The Missing Premise.

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Yes, as someone that got into photography many years ago:

    • Rule of Thirds—Honestly, this is the easiest thing to learn. It won’t make your photos amazing or anything, but it is a consistent way to view any scene, which is very useful.
    • Then watch some random video on photographic composition. There are many different ways to view a scene.
    • Learn the Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO/Exposure Triangle. Absolutely crucial for learning to shoot manual.
    • Learn to shoot manual. Try taking good pics of fireworks on July 4th. It’s tougher than it looks.
    • You don’t need to get into editing raw photos, but it’s fun af. I switched from Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop to ON1. I’d also recommend Affinity Photo. Unlike ON1, Affinity does not have a subscription and their software is comparable to Photoshop.

    As for your photo, at a glance, I can’t really tell it’s shot as such as high ISO. But once you zoom in, you can see the fuzziness. Still though, I think it’s kinda clear why you took the picture. It looks you’re focusing on several interacting subjects (the bunny, the butterfly, the turquoise fence with the bunny outline) that all framed really well by the wooden house and the negative space at the top and right edges of the frame. I, for one, like it a lot!

    Anyway, have fun! Photography is one of the hobbies I’m happiest to have. I hope it ends up being as fulfilling for you!

  • Yeah, I get it. It’s really hard to understand. It’s just basic respect, right? How could someone not value basic human decency?

    I can’t answer that question. All I know is that some people just don’t.

    It doesn’t make sense to me that domestic abusers will beat up someone that loves them, yet it still happens. Politicians push legislation that they know will hurt their constituents, yet they still push it. Parents will try to force the lifestyle they desire for their children on their children out of love, even as it alienates their children, yet they persist. Some (many/all??) criminals know what they do hurts other people, yet they still commit crime.

    I don’t get it either. I only know basic human decency isn’t valued by a lot of people. And you can indignantly scoff at such people all you want, incredulous that they just don’t get the basics of empathy, a fundamental human emotion. They’ll hurt others all the same.

    Me, though? Drawing on my empathy, I hope such people find the happiness and freedom they’re looking for without the pain and suffering they cause.