• 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2022


  • There is a definite ending to the Dune, in books 7 and 8 written by author’s son. Some people might say they are worse than originals, and they would be correct, but you are also right about that it gets worse already in the two last books by the original author, that’s why i suggested 4 first books, they are also thematically linked and book 4 is a true masterpiece.

    Warhammer lore is too vast, but Gaunt’s Ghosts are pretty consistent and you don’t need to know basically anything outside the series itself (unlike the Horus Heresy, that i wouldn’t recomend, it’s not only too long but also simply bad), i certainly didn’t when i read first books in the series.

  • Nie będzie żadnej inwazji nawet. Rosja nie ma po co ani nie ma siły, NATO ma dużą szansę się rozpaść, jeśli ktoś nas napadnie to prędzej Niemcy po rozpadzie NATO i dościu do władzy rewanżystów z AfD, ale ich wojsko jest w gorszym stanie niż nasze już teraz a będzie jeszcze gorzej bo popełnili ekonomiczne sepuku w 2022, Francja i Anglia to samo. My się utrzymamy lepiej bo nas wykończyli w latach 90 to o ile nas USA nie obedrze na nowo to jakoś to będzie. Tylko czas polepszać stosunki z Chinami a może nawet wstąpić do BRICS a tą cholerną Unię to niech diabeł bierze.

  • Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

    I liked that one. Some recommendations:

    • Dune. At least 4 first books. I assume you read it already but if some reason not, read it asap, by far my favourite series.
    • If you’re not averse to Warhammer 40000 universe, Gaunt’s Ghosts series. it’s 16 books though.
    • Lois McMaster Bujold, Barrayar series. You will either love or hate Miles.
    • Glen Cook. Everything by Glen Cook
    • Jack Campbell, Lost Fleet series, the spaciest and operiest space opera possible
    • Arkady Martine “A memory called empire”
    • Lloyd Biggle Jr “Monument” - pretty forgotten but great sci-fi classic