Based Germany tanked their own economy to avoid becoming the 5th Reich /s
Based Germany tanked their own economy to avoid becoming the 5th Reich /s
Yeah every political leader have little oopsies like being called “town destroyer” by the people which land they invaded and towns they destroyed. They also were proud of it, used it to invade even more land, and their grandpas were also called that because it’s their family and nation thing to do for generations.
Sounds pretty minimalist ngl, how about 80% and agoge instead of elementary school?
It was already known it will happen when he was hailed as the second coming of Nikola Tesla.
Alternatively like in Poland “17 parties and 40+ independents but every single one is neoliberal, US bootlicker and probanderite”
Much much worse, either villain or very minor supporting character from Harry Potter. Especially that he was member of KKK.
Gutzon Borglum
I refuse to acknowledge this is a real name.
Read “The Jakarta Method”
Don’t forget about how ukronazis demolished her other statue by rope with noose to mock her, after how their germanonazi predecessors murdered her.
Being dumb or not is completely irrelevant here. Capitalist countries governments are merely the comittees to organise the bourgeoise state, and capitalism run on one and only one principle: more profit.
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Shouldn’t you be glad that instead of dems as usual implementing rep policies, this time reps implement dem policy?
So they inherited democrat policy on the issue.
There’s also dudes like those. A lot of Russian neonazis fight for Ukraine in this war.
Purpose of the system is what it does. What we see is real christianity.
There is a definite ending to the Dune, in books 7 and 8 written by author’s son. Some people might say they are worse than originals, and they would be correct, but you are also right about that it gets worse already in the two last books by the original author, that’s why i suggested 4 first books, they are also thematically linked and book 4 is a true masterpiece.
Warhammer lore is too vast, but Gaunt’s Ghosts are pretty consistent and you don’t need to know basically anything outside the series itself (unlike the Horus Heresy, that i wouldn’t recomend, it’s not only too long but also simply bad), i certainly didn’t when i read first books in the series.
Nie będzie żadnej inwazji nawet. Rosja nie ma po co ani nie ma siły, NATO ma dużą szansę się rozpaść, jeśli ktoś nas napadnie to prędzej Niemcy po rozpadzie NATO i dościu do władzy rewanżystów z AfD, ale ich wojsko jest w gorszym stanie niż nasze już teraz a będzie jeszcze gorzej bo popełnili ekonomiczne sepuku w 2022, Francja i Anglia to samo. My się utrzymamy lepiej bo nas wykończyli w latach 90 to o ile nas USA nie obedrze na nowo to jakoś to będzie. Tylko czas polepszać stosunki z Chinami a może nawet wstąpić do BRICS a tą cholerną Unię to niech diabeł bierze.
Przed największymi zagrożeniami zbrojenia nas nie obronią. Wystarczy że wuj sam gwizdnie i skończymy jak Ukraina.
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
I liked that one. Some recommendations:
Fixed that for them