This unpacks on so many levels, so let’s take the awful view of how it impacted ONLY the monetary policy, and not factor in the holocaust and millions dead…and erosion of civil liberties, dismantling of democratic institutions, and the bypass of the parliament…let’s just say look at it from that statement “considerable gains in stocks” that supposedly indicated good times were ahead under the new government.
The US depression reached global markets and brought everything down, while also the massive fucking war tanked Germany’s economy under the war machine strain.
Leave it to investors to make awful miscalculations over and over, then amazingly, we still listen to those fuckers a hundred years later after repeated miscalculations and massive financial ruination. But hey, around 500 people got shit rich so fuck it, yaaaaaay capitalism.
Imagine what a tragedy that would be if the UHC CEO’s house was firebombed while they were away, or if his car exploded right before he got in it. I wonder what it would take to get the message across…