Spike [none/use name]

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Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2020年9月11日


  • I am leaning towards voting yes on this but this is not going to be a significant change for anything in Australia. The Indigenous/First Nations people I know have decided they will vote no because they find it too insulting. This isn’t addressing the problems Indigenous people face and is going to be used as a political tool to further legitimise the colonial government we have. The people chosen for the Voice to Parliament body are likely not to represent the needs of the Indigenous people. On the other hand, this might be the first time we might get to see Indigenous people voicing their opinions with a national audience. For example, it could be used to talk about Treaty or the disgusting shit we do to the environment.

    Most people are not well informed, so they are voting on this based on the advertised idea that this is a big step towards Indigenous representation in parliament. So, with 40% of the population born overseas and having experienced being a minority in this country, you’d think this would be a slam dunk win for the yes vote, yet its struggling. I feel like this says a lot about this country.

  • During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime’s atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn’t go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them.

  • Rugby union is the one that copies boarding school shit, rugby league is more of a poorer people’s sport in Aus. Also, most of the players in this boycott are of Islander or Maori descent. In Australia a large portion of homophobic/anti LGBTQIA+ people are immigrants from strict religious backgrounds. As @KiaKaha said, for Pacific Islanders this is a remnant of them being colonised. But it is so ingrained now that there are several evangelical christian churches owned and run by people of Islander background where they echo everything the white evangelical christians in USA talk about.