SunsetFruitbat [she/her]

Hello, I’m a person that likes things and stuff and is bad at self descriptors.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 16th, 2023

  • I just had the strangest experience. My dad decided to take me out to eat because wisdom teeth surgery tomorrow. anyways we went to some restaurant and there were some really fancy, very clean, and expensive looking cars out front. which was weird. and when we got inside and were seated, there was just this group of like really out of looking place people. I think two of them might of been some small time white bourgeoisie assholes? they also acted like they own the place because they were going up to the window and shutting the curtains, going up to other people table and telling them to twist the blinds shut.

    I dunno it was just fucking weird especially because this wasn’t some fancy rich restaurant me and my dad went to. Also they were loud as fuck. They talked about doing something with tata chemicals??? and like just what the fuck. It was just so out of place.

    also just a little awkward because like ya know. anyways that was just an odd experience

  • god fucking damn what am I sick with. I was sleeping but then woke up almost crying out from like this really sharp sudden pain I felt from behind my head. like fuck. like I had migraines before where I woke up with really bad pain behind my eye, but fuck this hurt a little more than that. that sudden sharp pain gone now to, it just now a pulsating pain. hopefully it just like from sleeping a lot and from a sore neck, but fuck

    I am gonna see like a doctor if this shit gets any worse. so far it’s been getting better. so like I don’t fucking know. I was worried it was flu or covid at first, but I’m not coughing or anything. and the chills and shivering has gone away. either way it just fucking weird.

  • I was trying to sleep but then I remembered this one memory. like I dunno five years ago? or whenever it was. I was getting my driver license renewed and on the forum, I checked the box that asks about sex, and I checked it to female. anyways when the dmv lady was checking it. she got really pissed off that I did that and lectured me like I was a child saying I needed a court order letter, proof of gender reassignment surgery, and all that jumping through hoops bullshit. and like I knew that, I just thought maybe like I dunno, this lady will just overlook that? I dunno it was just hopeful thinking on my part.

    I really hate having to show my driver license to people or places that need to see it, because it just pretty much lets everyone know. I don’t even know why I even remembered this. I’m also getting some serious deja vu vibes.

  • I really gotta fix my sleep, I been full nocturnal for like the last two years. and it’s really getting hard to wake up early on like 3-4 hours of sleep because places only do stuff early.

    also something else, it’s pretty annoying trying to speak, only to like. I’m not sure how to word this. I could be saying something but then mid sentence, I suddenly just can’t speak, like my voice just shuts off. so I have to repeat what im saying and I’m able to fully say it the second time. either that or sometimes like, I try to go say something but like, but it doesn’t go through? my voice just decides not to work? so nothing really goes through. I dunno if that makes sense. It just annoying and this has been happening for like the last few years. It only happens sometimes, but today I was talking to my dad and my voice was doing that again.