Swoosegoose [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • I don’t see this kid as an enemy. I see him as a victim. No different than a black kid shoved into state prison for years. Or a hick from the sticks who enlisted to the American armed forces.

    Unlike the dead nazi these hypothetical people wouldn’t be ethicly cleansing eastern Ukraine if they weren’t getting killed by the Russian army. But also fuck the troops including the hypothetical hick

  • Here’s my mini rant about 2 questlines, haven’t gotten very far in either so who knows, maybe I’m completely off base.

    1. Ryujin questlines has got to be the most dogshit quest since joining the stormcloaks. You get railroaded into defending the honor of one megacorp against intellectual property theft from other megacorps. I could not give less of a shit. Polar opposites of any “punk”, only fun part was when they told me to break into their own building quietly so I went in guns blazing. Can’t kill the CEO thoughsadness

    2. Space pirates, you get told to infiltrate a massive space pirates organization as penance for stealing a loose apple. I get to the main pirate base and start blasting, can’t kill the main pirates nor can I fail the quest, they just ignore all their dead friends after a while. Dumb as hell let me kill important npcs