Thanks for the write-up! Really interesting how the fact that Eastern European countries are experiencing similar material conditions also leads to them developing nearly identical political scene.
Thanks for the write-up! Really interesting how the fact that Eastern European countries are experiencing similar material conditions also leads to them developing nearly identical political scene.
It has been widely speculated whether Trump’s administration will be a lunatics clown show that has no concept of foreign policy or regular bloodthirsty neocons itching to start war on every continent.
Does the sudden uptick in support for Ukraine mean that the state have no trust in Trump and are trying to wrap things up before he comes?
Tackling corruption in healthcare is actually evil and communist
Chad Ranking needs urgent patch notes
NVIDIA Statement on the Biden Administration’s Misguided ‘AI Diffusion’ Rule
Wow. Did not expect such strong language in an official statement from a publicly traded company.
I can’t say that I disagree. This really is one of the most demented policies of the whole Biden administration. Even from the POV of an imperialist, restricting half of NATO from one of your top exports makes zero sense…