TheModerateTankie [any]

Team Monsanto’s Lead Junior Red Dawn war re-enactor/co-ordinator for Anniston, Alabama

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2020


  • Pop or mint like everyone else suggests.

    There are only a handful of major distros that are significantly different from each other (debian, fedora, opensuse, arch, nixos) that all other distros base themselves on. Apart from that, for the most part, the difference is basically what desktop environment they install by default, what apps get bundled, and maybe a few more tweaks here and there. It’s easy enough to change all of that regardless of what distro you end up on.

    Pop and Mint are based on Ubuntu (which is based on Debian) and will probably have the most resources for support for new linux users. They come with default programs and custom software which makes the new user experience easier.

    If you have a problem in either one of them, or want to do anything more complex than install software or tweak settings from a gui, and you can’t find what you are looking for in pop or mint forums, you will likely be able to find the solution in ubuntu forums, or even debian support groups. If you are using a computer that’s relatively new and wasn’t built with linux compatibility in mind, it’s not unlikely you will run into an issue that you’ll need to search out a fix for so it’s good to have those resources.

    If the distro you choose doesn’t handle your monitors right, it might be a problem with the desktop environment you are using and it’s typically easy to install an alternative to try out before you nuke the whole thing to try again.

  • I think that’s what the UK is doing. You’re “booster” is to get infected.

    In the US there’s one guy on the advisory board, Paul Offit, who is skeptical of the vaccines benefit and every year before the vaccines are approved he makes the rounds telling people to not get vaxxed unless they are old or immune compromised. He seems to be an outlier because the fda just approved the new boosters for everyone.

    It seems bonkers to me. We’ve never rationed flu shots this way, and covid is several times worse than the flu.

  • Yeah, they’ve just stripped away the ability to know what’s going on outside of wastewater monitoring, anecdotes from social media, or checking hospital capacity. If they aren’t stacking bodies in refrigerated trucks we aren’t hearing about it.

    My impression is that over the past year it hasn’t been as devestating as before, less deaths and vaccines and immunity from previous exposures are helping, but it’s still causing hospitals to max capacity when covid is peaking, and it’s still several times more of a problem than the flu, with much greater risk of long term health impacts, and the waves aren’t seasonal.

    The wastewater for my city shows a wave starting every three months, and it seems to match covid outbreaks in the long term care home my friend ended up. Less hospitalizations and death, which is great, but it’s still a huge problem, especially if repeat infections accumulate damage and increase risk of… everything, like a lot of data is showing. And the amount of variants out there, still being detected, and with crazy mutations, is troubling.