TraumaDumpling [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • the fucking nazis were literally racist against slavic people, they did not take prisoners during their invasions, they sent them to death camps. to suggest that the soviets and the nazis were allies is patently absurd, their ideologies are diametrically opposed and you can do literally any cursory research to confirm the opinions of the people involved. literally read anything the nazis wrote about the soviets at the time, or anything the soviets wrote about the nazis. other users have already provided the context for those agreements, which you ignore. The soviets had tried to establish treaties with the allies before the molotov-ribbentrop pact, which they refused. it was an act of desperation to give the USSR time to establish military production factories and supply lines before the war. to spin that into an alliance is simply irresponsible historiography.

  • you fucking dumb antisemitic piece of shit, Poland was occupied by the Nazis and was massacring Jews and other minorities. the USSR intervened to protect people and give themeselves buffer space for the future Nazi invasion of russia. If you are aiding Nazis your ‘self determination’ is less than worthless. A shitload of Polish citizens sought refuge in the USSR and a shitload more fought on their side against the Nazi collaborators. Literally look at the citations of the WIkipedia page for the occupation of poland, they cite Tadeusz Piotrowski constantly, who on his own wikipedia page is said to be regurgitating Polish nationalist right wing propaganda.

    Piotr Wróbel considers Piotrowski’s works to be “highly polemical and controversial”, similar to those by Richard C. Lukas and Marek Jan Chodakiewicz.[5] According to Ukrainian historian Andrii Bolianovskyi, Piotrowski’s studies on the Ukrainian-Polish ethnic conflicts rely unilaterally on the way they were conceived and presented by Polish right-wing politicians and the underground press during World War II.[6]

    America hired and funded right wing and Nazi propaganda immediately after world war 2 to push “double genocide” narratives exactly like yours. You are ignorantly repeating debunked Nazi propaganda.

  • and you don’t think they would use that “small part” of ukraine? you don’t think having access to ukrainian airspace, ideally someday without russian military euipment within its borders, would be helpful at all? like maybe we would want to launch a multi-pronged attack from several locations at once or something?

    no one said it was the only reason, there’s also the consistently broken ceasefires and ethnic cleansing of russian speakers in the donbass and luhansk republics. and the american interference in ukraine’s government. see any UN report from before 2020.

  • they don’t launch missiles from dedicated launch sites or missile silos in the ground anymore, they use stealth aircraft or fighter jets to carry the missiles for hypothetical first strike scenarios. airbases that close to russia could let them attack the capital before they could meaningfully retaliate. rando military officers promoted via emergency aren’t going to be as willing or able to push the big red nuclear retalliation button as the career politicians and generals in the capital. ICBMs like the ones carried by nuclear subs are easier to detect and intercept (or more realistically retalliate against the launcher), because they have to reach high altitudes to fly with less wind resistance, while nukes deployed via even normal un-stealthed aircraft can be camouflaged more easily, as they don’t have to have the range or size of ICBMs. they don’t necessarily know just from radar if its a nuke on the plane and not a normal missile, for example, and weapon systems like low-altitude cruise missiles launched from planes relatively closeby to the target could take a path through terrain that would conceal it from radar by using treetops and mountainlines as cover.

  • you absolute dork, you really can’t stand that other people don’t love your favorite treat as much as you do. “everyone with a different opinion than me is a neoliberal” is the stupidest most childish thing i’ve seen from a BMF post. my post has apparently been living in your head rent-free lmfao. morrowind has OK (not great) worldbuilding and bland dialogue thats almost always the same between any character. its an OK game, but the combat sucks. it is simplistic randomized hidden dice roll shit, none of the animations look like the devs have ever seen a living human before, only had them described, and the music puts me to sleep. there is 1 attack button but 4 attacks dependence on movement direction, 1 of which is always objectively superior in terms of damage per weapon. that is shit game design, not ‘’‘’‘’‘‘roleplaying potential’’‘’‘’‘’‘’ there’s a complete lack of any climbing (roleplay as thief? fuck you go through the front door moron), and stealth is almost impossible during early stealth questlines. every single questline requires combat, so your “lmao just roleplay” argument remains bullshit. morrowind isn’t some hidden gem of perfect roleplaying, its a shitty old western RPG, and Daggerfall was better in every concievable way.

  • my dream is to know what i’m good at and to know what would make me happy. i thought i wanted to be an artist, but i realized i hate doing art. i like imagining but i hate the phyiscal task of moving a pencil or stylus on a surface trying to imperfectly capture some curve or line or shape in an imagined image its just not fun, even when i am successful i feel relieved that i can do something else more than exhilarated or satisfied. i thought i wanted to be an athlete since i was like 18, i became obsessed with parkour, but i realized i would never compete with people that started when they were 7, while i was playing videogames, watching cartoons, and drinking far too much soda. doing physical activity never felt as good as people say, i don’t understand how people can exercise while wearing clothes, its like intentionally sleeping with a wet blanket. don’t even get me started on underwear. and every time i’ve tried getting into running (even just like 10 minutes a day) i hurt my ankles, somehow they always get painful and sore in the ankle or tendons or something for like several weeks. i didn’t have insurance until recently to even go to a doctor for it. now its almost all i can do to do 10 burpees (squat/pushup combo) a day. before that i wanted to join the army like my dad, but then i learned a modicum of real history and couldn’t go through with it (or is that just what i tell myself because i know i wouldn’t have succeeded? i’m probably autistic, suck at physical activities, and havent even been able to keep a basic job. maybe in a different kind of country i could have done it). i’m basically a repressed adrenaline junkie thats not competent enough to satisfy those urges, pretending to be a normal failperson. i feel like i’m trapped in the wrong kind of person and world to be who i want to be.

  • a cursory google search suggests that this isn’t a common practice, but in ww2 both german and russian armies used heavy artillery barrages to clear minefields. here’s some relevant reddit-logo discussions:


    sort of. The issue is modern explosive are very resistant to sympathetic explosions. A sympathetic explosion is one explosive going off makes another one go off. As a result the bomb or artillery hit would have to be very close. A 155mm artillery round might clear a circle about 3 meters in diameter. So let’s say we want to clear a path for a main battle tank through a mine field though to be 2km deep. We will 3 rounds each about 1 meter apart gives us a bit of wiggle room. and one round about every 2 meters, again just to make sure.

    So that’s 3,000 rounds assuming we have rounds that go exactly where we want them. The only round that can do this is the US Excalibur. They come in at a cool 112K a pop. Our mine clearing op will thus run about 338 million USD, and all it gets us is a 4-5 meter clear zone. If we wanted say 3 zones at twice the width, so that one tank dining would not 100% block the zone then we are looking a more Excalibur rounds than the US has and a price of 2 billion.

    What is instead used is a vehicle that lunches lines of explosives across the field and then use them to blow paths through.

    operations room goes over how this was done in dessert storm.

    if this comment is accurate, its no wonder why the resource and munitions-strapped Ukraine wouldn’t be able to use enough artillery shells to clear a path (let alone multiple) through a minefield.

    this one explains why they don’t use cluster munitions to clear mines (turns the enemy minefield into a friendly UXO minefield)

    besides, minefields and other defensive measures aren’t intended to be impenetrable, they are designed to slow down their targets so that other elements can eliminate them while they are busy de-mining. during the last big ukrainian push, we saw a bunch of western wunderwaffen tanks get taken out by ATGM hits to the side and the like after having hit mines or having stopped to clear or maneuver around mines/destroyed allies.