UlyssesT [he/him]

  • 151 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • THE Museum of Neoliberalism in London is closing its doors for good this evening, before developers demolish and turn the site into luxury flats.

    Founded by artists Darren Cullen and Gavin Grindon, the museum has been based in Leegate shopping centre in Lewisham since 2019.

    The exhibition featured a timeline on the history of neoliberalism, and displayed artefacts including real-life anti-union posters, corporate-sponsored scout badges and an authentic bottle of urine from an Amazon employee.

    Developer Galliard Homes plans to demolish the shopping centre where the museum stands, and build towers up to 15 storeys high accommodating 562 residential flats.


    The exhibition featured a timeline on the history of neoliberalism, and displayed artefacts including real-life anti-union posters, corporate-sponsored scout badges and an authentic bottle of urine from an Amazon employee.

  • When something you love gets slowly corrupted.

    I wonder if those “corruption” cliches in Blizzard game storytelling throughout the Kotick regime were a sort of subtle cry for help, the way Origin’s developers cried for help during Ultima VII with EA-logo evil magic devices and the like and the massive dunking on Richard “Lord British” Garriot in the Serpent Isle expansion after he fucked them over and sold them out and had a cynically celebratory bonfire party where all their hard work on a Privateer sequel and other projects was set ablaze because he was cashing out.

  • You are projecting on me what you encountered in the past from nuatheist types.

    No need to do that because you’ve been doing it in this ongoing comment chain and you apparently don’t even notice it, up to and including the “civility” masked put-downs and condescending remarks.

    I have no need of that because I know what I’m seeing and I don’t like it.

    and have explicitly said multiple times

    Yes, and I’m calling bullshit each and every time because whatever you want it to look like it still reeks of a sense of superiority over the unwashed religious masses.

    You don’t need to agree with my criticism, but if you’re going to attack me for it, I’d hope you’d have a better reason for why it is wrong other than what it is addressed towards.

    This isn’t Reddit. I don’t even see the purpose of your “religion bad” smugposting on this particular board, let alone this particular thread. You’re not going to get congratulated much for the euphoria of being enlightened by your own intelligence here.

  • That’s an amusing decontextualization of what I said, but I don’t think it gets us closer to mutual understanding.


    You’re not here for that. You just want to emphasize really, really hard just how superior you are to religious people.

    I’m not religious myself, but I stopped saying “atheist” as a self-descriptor because it has been lately tarnished by sanctimoniously secular people that bloviate over others about their default state of superiority.

    To put it in a less “amusing decontextualization” way, that’s you.

    idk, people are all for “ruthless criticism of all that exists” when it comes to things they dislike

    Encounters with pseudo-intellectualism should not turn you into an anti-intellectual.

    “Agree with me or you’re not an intellectual.jagoff smuglord

    Do you have any self awareness at all or are you still stuck years back in Reddit’s Faces of Atheism mode?

  • I do think they are generalizing to strongly in that regard

    That’s exactly my point. Saying “religions bad” does fucking nothing in the world we live in except establish oneself as an abrasively smug asshole, especially in the context of people currently in dangerous living conditions that may very well be killed in part because of their religious identity.

    Especially because of the anti-Jewish smugposting, which involves a religious identity that has a secular side to it and is inherited, such atheist smugposting may as well say “hah, well you’re wearing those silly badges! Sucks to suck!” during WW2 Germany.

  • Once, I was on a bus with a typical Chick-tract distributing fundamentalist. I was polite, so he was polite, (Chick tracts are fucking hilarious so I accepted the one he offered me), so I made some small talk.

    The thing he said that stood out to me most before the bus reached my stop was “do you know that if everyone was Christian, there would be no more war?”

    That’s bullshit, of course, and medieval Europe alone disproves that. But then I realized a lot of smug atheists have the same belief: if only religion vanished tomorrow, surely war and other problems would just vanish in a puff of euphoria. Also bullshit.

  • but I hope you’ll agree that the source materials have a lot of outdated beliefs

    So does Reddit New Atheism. The Sam Harris-era atheist craving to glass the Middle East and seeking the mass murder of Muslims after 9/11 comes to mind.

    There’s no special monopoly on unqualified false expertise, bad hubris-laden ideology, or even propaganda that justifies murder and mayhem that is exclusive to religion, and not all of it is ancient. In fact some of the most fucking ignorant people in the industrialized world get taken for a ride and get into some very bad beliefs because they think that abandoning religion makes them objectively smarter than everyone else and immune to being fooled.