Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi by Ryouko Kui.
It has wonderful world building introducing it slowly over time without info dumping, or better said, there is a nerd in the world info dumping on his friends, who don’t always appreciate it =D
Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi by Ryouko Kui.
It has wonderful world building introducing it slowly over time without info dumping, or better said, there is a nerd in the world info dumping on his friends, who don’t always appreciate it =D
Also falls du es noch nicht kennst, ich habe das hier sehr genossen: Kapitalismusideologie in Bibi und Tina
Lass mich dich beruhigen: es gibt mehr als drei Wege ;)
Ich habe mit teilweise Hilfe aus dem Internet alle Routen des Pristine Cuts gespielt und rund 22 Stunden dafür gebraucht. Dabei habe ich aber nicht alle verschiedenen Textvariationen gesehen, denn damit würde man vermutlich hundert Stunden verbringen.
Ich habe in der letzten Woche Slay the Princess komplett durchgespielt und bin sehr begeistert von dem Spiel. Es ist zwar nicht so auf der Meta-Ebene wie zum Beispiel Stanley Parable, was einige Reviews angedeutet haben, aber mir hat es trotzdem sehr gefallen. Es ist im Prinzip eine Visual Novel, die aus zwei Charakteren und deren Interaktionen besteht. Und durch die Limitierung auf nur diese zwei wird es auch sehr interaktiv und kann dem Spieler viel Freiraum in der Verhaltensweise zulassen. Es kann passieren, dass auf einmal nach 3 Stunden auf eine Handlung vom Spieler in den ersten 10 Minuten des Spiels verwiesen wird.
You can visit the one in Magdeburg, it has a hotel inside and has guided tours.
This building was designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser and there are a few more , mainly in Austria and Germany
That is sad to hear. I really enjoyed Rime and also The Sexy Brutale. They both had great aesthetic and atmosphere.
Garbage comes in different states of matter…
Maybe fumes from solvents in the room?
But you can have that in Austria as well or France or Italy. They are all in the Alps. Or even not as tall parts of the Alps in Slovenia or Germany.
Ah, thanks for enlightening me.
I know the reference for sealioning, but could you help me understand the “enough spoons” part? (I agree with you by the way, just don’t understand your whole comment)
Let’s hope so, because if they don’t release HL3 after Alyx’ ending then that is a masterful trolling move.
Not true at all. Of course we also have a double s (look under Current Usage) in some words. “gewusst” is one of those words.
Same for me. I can’t even tell you why I find it fascinating, but I do find it fascinating.
Not universally incorrect. There seem to be regional differences. In Germany it is: use the arm on the side you want to turn to.
Just to correct you on something: the plot of dogma is real policy since at least 1300. It is not new.
Still just a marketing tactic though.
AfD would also be possible, except they wouldn’t resign. So ok, you are right.
Yeah and the other part is proud of that fact, which fits to be honest…
Using some concepts, but not really a retelling of the story:
Matantei Loki Ragnarok
Aa! Megami-sama!