the CHIPS act is the grift that keeps on grifting
These problems are often presented by Americans a cultural but in reality they are the problems of global capital.
Taiwanese and Chinese Bosses think that the US system of bribery is too inefficient and that US workers are too expensive compared to their lack of skill and dedication. (See American Factory, it’s really good at laying this out)
These economic realities are different in China and Taiwan because they are not the imperial core. This experiment was doomed to fail because reindustrialization is fighting against the direction of the market and regardless of who controls the coin purse, nobody is going to take on that risk. The CHIPS act and things like it, give away free money which incentivizes failure because in order to derisk the proposition the US government has to make it profitable regardless of the success of the venture. It’s almost like reindustrialization of these key industries needs to be based on a nationalized industrial capacity, especially if we’re going to view it from the basis of national security.
But alas Americans are too capitalist brained to even understand 20th century nationalist logic anymore.
It’s antisemitic to talk about how Israel developed its nuclear capacity.