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Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), which was responsible for purchasing and delivering Covid PPE, did not respond to multiple requests for comment.The Labour Party described the contract as a “staggering waste” while the Liberal Democrats said it was a “colossal misuse of public funds”.

    Full Support Healthcare agreed a £1.78bn deal in April 2020 to deliver face masks, respirators, eye protection and aprons - the largest Covid PPE order from a single supplier, accounting for 13% of the government’s total spend.Before the pandemic, the company, which was already a specialist manufacturer of PPE, had 25 employees and annual profits of £800,000, external.Any profits since the contract was fulfilled are not known because in 2021 the co-directors, Sarah Stoute, 50, and her husband Richard, 53, based the business offshore in Jersey for privacy reasons.They and the company continue to pay all UK tax.

    “It is staggering waste and I think we need a full and frank account as to how so much public money was thrown down the toilet,” he said.The BBC contacted the DHSC and the Conservative Party several times with no reply to set out our findings and ask a number of questions.In an earlier statement the government said it had “acted swiftly to procure PPE at the height of the pandemic, competing in an overheated global market where demand massively outstripped supply”.

    Sarah Stoute, a former nurse, set up Full Support Healthcare in 2001 in Wellingborough and her husband became a director three years later.As experienced providers of PPE during previous pandemics, they moved quickly to boost supply as Coronavirus took hold in late 2019.Under an existing arrangement with the NHS, their company won two DHSC purchase orders, including one for £1.78bn, for face masks and other items.Speaking at the time, external, Mrs Stoute said volumes of their product, shipped from China, increased from “eight sea freight containers every month to 800”.In a post on X, then known as Twitter, in October 2020 she wrote that her “team of 25 people” supplied “one fifth of the PPE national stockpile”.She added: “I’ve paid a few people’s mortgages off this last few weeks.”Afterwards, Mrs Stoute and her husband bought a £30m seafront villa in Barbados; a yacht; a £6m house in the south of England and an international equestrian centre in Bedfordshire.Giving evidence to the Public Accounts Committee in 2021, she said they “risked everything as a company and went into mass production with no security at all”.

    Lawyers representing the Stoutes said: “Full Support Healthcare stock arrived quickly by summer 2020, much earlier than most and in larger quantities.“It had either a two- or three-year shelf life.

    Full Support was in no way responsible for the stockpile.The company’s lawyers said the Stoutes were only made aware of the volume of unused stock when the BBC told them.They said it was a matter for the government who had not contacted them at any stage about it.Four years since the first national lockdown in England and Wales, the DHSC continues to store and dispose of billions of items of excess PPE at a cost of millions of pounds a week.

    The original article contains 1,212 words, the summary contains 522 words. Saved 57%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

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    NHS England has confirmed its patient data managed by blood test management organisation Synnovis was stolen in a ransomware attack on 3 June.Qilin, a Russian cyber-criminal group, shared almost 400GB of private information on their darknet site on Thursday night, something they threatened to do in order to extort money from Synnovis.

    In a statement, NHS England said there is “no evidence” that test results have been published, but that “investigations are ongoing”.

    “Patients should continue to attend their appointments unless they have been told otherwise and should access urgent care as they usually would,” NHS England said.A sample of the stolen data seen by the BBC includes patient names, dates of birth, NHS numbers and descriptions of blood tests, something cyber security expert Ciaran Martin told the BBC was "one of the most significant and harmful cyber attacks ever in the UK.

    "There are also business account spreadsheets detailing financial arrangements between hospitals and GP services and Synnovis being taken.

    The ransomware hackers infiltrated the computer systems of the company, which is used by two NHS trusts in London, and encrypted vital information making IT systems useless.As is often the case with cyber-criminals, they also downloaded as much private data as they could to further extort the company for a ransom payment in Bitcoin.It is not known how much money the hackers demanded from Synnovis or if the company entered negotiations.

    But the fact Qilin has published some, potentially all, of the data means they did not pay.The cyber-attackers told the BBC on an encrypted messaging service they had deliberately targeted Synnovis as a way to punish the UK for not helping enough in an unspecified war.In NHS England’s statement it said it “continues to work with Synnovis and the National Crime Agency”.NHS England said it had set up a helpline to support people impacted by the attack and it will continue to share updates, but “investigations of this type are complex and take time”.

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  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    WikiLeaks announced Mr Assange’s whereabouts shortly after court documents showed he was due to plead guilty this week to violating US espionage law, in a deal that would allow him to return home to Australia.

    WikiLeaks posted a statement on social media platform X saying Mr Assange was free and had left the UK on Monday morning local time.

    Mr Assange’s father, John Shipton, told ABC Victorian Mornings his son had spent 15 of his most productive years “in some form of incarceration or another”.

    “We are aware Australian citizen Mr Julian Assange has legal proceedings scheduled in the United States,” a spokesperson said.

    “Prime Minister Albanese has been clear — Mr Assange’s case has dragged on for too long and there is nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration.”

    Many press freedom advocates have argued that criminally charging Mr Assange represents a threat to free speech.

    The original article contains 843 words, the summary contains 148 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A Texas law that banned abortions in early pregnancy is associated with a stark increase in infant and newborn deaths, a study published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics found.

    A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report already found that infant and newborn mortality rates in the U.S. rose in 2022 for the first time since 2001.

    “This shows what probably was expected before the Dobbs decision, that there would be downstream unintended consequences by banning abortions in early pregnancy,” said Dr. Mary Rosser, director of Integrated Women’s Health at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, who was not involved with the study.

    Rosser added that such bans disproportionately affect marginalized populations including low-income families and people of color, and that further research is needed to better understand these effects.

    The researchers of the new study also highlighted the ripple effect that a newborn or infant’s death can have on a family, including trauma and medical bills.

    “Behind these numbers are people,” said Dr. Erika Werner, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Tufts Medical Center, who was not involved in the research.

    The original article contains 588 words, the summary contains 180 words. Saved 69%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    “Civil rights guardrails are essential for consumer trust in a system that allows companies to collect and use personal data without consent,” the legal group said in a statement.

    When first proposed in April by US House Rep Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and US Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), the APRA was sold as a way to give all Americans meaningful data privacy protections, something many have sought for decades.

    The lobbying organization in April said it wanted to avoid the creation of “a federal floor” that might “encourage states to pass more restrictive privacy laws.”

    “Moving forward without baseline civil rights protections would create blind spots and permit discriminatory data practices to remain undetected and unchallenged,” said Ruiz.

    “This was the one comprehensive privacy bill that had a real chance of passing and now Congress has effectively gutted it as part of a backroom deal to appease right wing extremists,” Greer opined to The Register.

    By removing crucial civil rights language, lawmakers have turned it into a bill that effectively endorses privacy violations and discriminatory uses of personal data.

    The original article contains 755 words, the summary contains 179 words. Saved 76%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A brand-new campaign from @DARwins1 with an original story taking place before the events of the main game: “Set out under the command of renowned General Edmund Clayde with the goal of laying the foundations of a new world.

    A brand-new campaign from @DARwins1 with an original story taking place before the events of the main game:

    “Set out under the command of renowned General Edmund Clayde with the goal of laying the foundations of a new world.

    A brand-new campaign from @DARwins1 with its own self-contained story: “After crash-landing in the territory of a once powerful kingdom, you must navigate your way through the various factions fighting over what remains.

    There’s also a new in-game guide you can bring up any time, and a classic feature returns with formation speed limiting.

    For people who enjoy online play there’s several big improvements there too including a new UI for joining games, there’s advanced port mapping so you can now use PCP, NAT-PMP, and UPnP to improve the ability to successfully host games.

    The original article contains 345 words, the summary contains 172 words. Saved 50%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Aside from winning their two target seats, Plaid Cymru’s immediate challenge is to keep their profile high.Their leader Rhun ap Iorwerth - and the party’s views and policies - have had a lot of coverage over the past fortnight across Welsh and UK media.But this is the time when voters really start to make up their minds, and the prevailing narrative is of a potential Conservative wipe-out and a potentially enormous Labour majority.So how does Plaid Cymru continue to attract attention - and votes?

    Part of their pitch is to wavering Labour voters, who might feel let down.

    And they have opted for discussion rather than timetables for independence, aware that it makes some potential waverers uneasy.Mr ap Iorwerth set that stall out early when he took over as party leader last summer.He has also recently confirmed that all the recommendations from a damning report into an alleged culture of bullying, misogyny and harassment within Plaid had been implemented, and Plaid’s campaign has so far avoided any damaging revelations which have beset some of the other parties.

    Winning their two target seats at this election - Caerfyrddin and Ynys Môn - will nonetheless be tough, even with the profile and the clean-up operation.Their bigger goal is the Senedd election in 2026, when Mr ap Iorwerth will be aiming to become Plaid’s first ever first minister of Wales - especially with polls suggesting Labour might be in trouble.But if you thought this election campaign was long, two years is an age away in politics.Bethan Rhys Roberts will be joined by a live studio audience with questions for Mr ap Iorwerth as part of the Question Time Leaders’ series on BBC One Wales at 19:00 BST on Monday.

    Five takeaways from the Wales election debatePoll tracker: How do parties compare?Compare all the election manifestos and policiesGeneral election 2024: All BBC stories and analysisWhat photo ID will you need to bring to vote?

    The original article contains 320 words, the summary contains 320 words. Saved 0%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    And that, dear reader, means On Politics will now start showing up in your inbox every weekday evening, as my colleagues and I try to make sense of this weird and weighty election.

    Some years, presidential debates come with wild anticipation — a moment for people on either side of the political divide to rally ahead of a battle for the future of the country.

    But Biden’s history of successful debates has not stopped his supporters from worrying, especially when Republicans are doing everything they can — including deceptively editing videos — to stoke doubts about his fitness because of his age.

    Seventy-five years ago, a group of businessmen worried that communism was going to take over this country started a small charity called America’s Future.

    As Phyllis Schlafly, a leading right-wing anti-feminist activist, became more of an influence on the organization starting in the 1970s, its material called for the review of school curriculums to make sure children were being taught about traditional roles of the sexes.

    And it became aligned with the next phase in far-right conspiratorial ideology: the false notion that there’s a shadowy cabal of high-level officials involved in exploiting and trafficking children.

    The original article contains 1,335 words, the summary contains 197 words. Saved 85%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Victoria will trial pill testing of illicit drugs this summer, Premier Jacinta Allan has announced, saying it was “a common sense way to save lives”.

    The premier made the announcement on Monday evening across social media – but provided no details of how the trial would work.

    “I think the Victorian government is proceeding very carefully here and it’s important that we acknowledge that it’s a big step forward,” Professor Komesaroff said.

    And we know that by having access to this service where they can simply be aware of the risks and dosage they’re taking, it can save their life," Mr Puglielli said.

    “It’s great to hear that pill testing is happening, now we need to make sure it’s rolled out widely and quickly by the Summer festival period in order to keep young people safe.”

    The decision follows Labor’s U-turn on supporting a second safe drug injecting room in the CBD, despite expert advice backing that plan to reduce fatal heroin overdoses.

    The original article contains 550 words, the summary contains 163 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

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    The chances of your hardware being recognized, activated, and working properly right after install was akin to getting a straight flush in poker.

    Broadcom provided no code for its gear, so Finger helped reverse-engineer the necessary specs by manually dumping and reading hardware registers.

    He summarizes his background: Fortran programmer in 1963, PDP-11 interfaces to scientific instruments in the 1970s, VAX-11/780 work in the early 1980s, and then Unix/Linux systems, until retiring from the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC, in 1999.

    The mineral Fingerite is named for Finger, whose work in crystallography took him on a fellowship to northern Bavaria, as noted in one Quora answer about the Autobahn.

    He joined the computer club, which had a growing number of Windows PCs sharing a DSL connection through one of the systems running WinGate.

    In a 2023 Quora response to someone asking if someone without “any formal training in computer science” can “contribute something substantial” to Linux, Finger writes, “I think that I have.”

    Saved 79% of original text.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    As of this past week the change is now in place for Ubuntu 24.10 daily users that will find Wayland-by-default when using the official NVIDIA Linux graphics driver.

    The proprietary NVIDIA graphics driver has been the hold-out on Ubuntu in sticking to the GNOME X.Org session out-of-the-box rather than Wayland as has been the default for the past several releases when using other GPUs/drivers.

    But for Ubuntu 24.10, the plan is to cross that threshold for NVIDIA now that their official driver has much better Wayland support and has matured into great shape.

    Particularly with the upcoming NVIDIA R555 driver reaching stable very soon, the Wayland support is in great shape with features like explicit sync ready to use.

    Canonical’s Daniel van Vugt of the Ubuntu desktop team made the change last week for the GDM session manager to drop their NVIDIA-prefers-X11 patches so that NVIDIA Linux users will find Wayland being used by default.

    Updated Revert-data-Disable-GDM-on-hybrid-graphics-laptops-with-v.patch to ensure Nvidia 5xx drivers always get Wayland as the default unless there’s a stronger reason why it won’t work (like modeset has been disabled on the kernel command line).

    The original article contains 268 words, the summary contains 187 words. Saved 30%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A massive factory fire that began after several lithium batteries exploded has killed at least 22 people in South Korea.The blaze broke out on Monday morning at the Aricell plant in Hwaseong city, about 45km (28 miles) south of the capital Seoul.

    Local television footage showed large smoke clouds and small explosions going off as firefighters sought to put out the fire.

    A part of the roof had collapsed.South Korea is a leading producer of lithium batteries, which are used in many items from electric vehicles to laptops.Fire official Kim Jin-young said 18 Chinese, one Laotian and two South Korean workers had been confirmed as among the dead.

    “Most of the bodies are badly burned so it will take some time to identify each one,” Mr Kim said, according to news agency AFP.A further eight people were injured - two seriously - out of the 100 who had been working when the fire broke out.The Aricell factory housed an estimated 35,000 battery cells on its second floor, where the batteries were inspected and packaged, with more stored elsewhere.Mr Kim said the fire began when a series of battery cells exploded, though it remains unclear what triggered the initial explosions.He explained it was difficult to enter the site initially “due to fears of additional explosions”.It is not yet clear what started the blaze.

    “Battery materials such as nickel are easily flammable,” he told Reuters news agency.

    "As a lithium fire can react intensely with water, firefighters had to use dry sand to extinguish the blaze, which took several hours to get under control.However, there is still a risk that after the fire is extinguished, it could reignite without warning due to the chemical reaction.

    The original article contains 364 words, the summary contains 283 words. Saved 22%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

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    Labour wants to “simplify” the process by which people can legally change their gender to make it less “degrading” and “tortuous”, a shadow minister has said.

    Under existing rules, people who want a GRC must show proof they have lived in their acquired gender for at least two years, and their application must also be approved by a panel of doctors and lawyers.

    It comes after JK Rowling criticised Sir Keir Starmer over his party’s stance on transgender issues and accused him of “abandoning” women with his “dismissive and often offensive” approach to critics concerned about the impact on single-sex spaces.

    She added: "For left-leaning women like us, this isn’t, and never has been, about trans people enjoying the rights of every other citizen, and being free to present and identify however they wish.

    It’s about waiting, with dwindling hope, for the left to wake up to the fact that its lazy embrace of a quasi-religious ideology is having calamitous consequences."

    Mr Streeting added: "I think that’s very important, particularly in those spaces, whether hospital wards or prisons, or services that are designed for, female survivors of male violence against women and girls.

    Saved 72% of original text.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Records show more than 330 invoices from Bluetree to Conservative MPs, including Hunt, Truss, Javid and Keegan, for web design services.

    Other high-profile Conservatives who have expensed services from Bluetree include Ben Wallace, Tobias Ellwood, Mark Francois and Helen Whately.

    “Running surveys on a website, paid for with public money, which elicit information about likely voting intention constitutes a breach of the expenses rules.

    Rose Whiffen, a senior research officer at Transparency International UK, said: “There are rightly strict rules governing what MPs can and cannot claim on expenses, including using public money for political purposes.

    It says it has “the only software designed to provide Conservative MPs with the features to campaign effectively online throughout the election cycle” and that “candidates who use Bluetree consistently receive a higher vote share than those who don’t”.

    It says: “We have spent more than a decade working inside the party to provide tools that you simply cannot get elsewhere.” It also promises a site that is “compliant with Ipsa, the UK, Scottish and Welsh parliaments, the Electoral Commission and the information commissioner”.

    The original article contains 818 words, the summary contains 180 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    JERUSALEM (AP) — Leaders of major churches have accused Israeli authorities of launching a “coordinated attack” on the Christian presence in the Holy Land by initiating tax proceedings against them.

    While Israeli officials have tried to dismiss the disagreement as a routine financial matter, the churches say the move upsets a centuries-old status quo and reflects mounting intolerance for the tiny Christian presence in the Holy Land.

    In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week, the heads of the major Christian denominations alleged that four municipalities across Israel had recently submitted warning letters to church officials cautioning them of legal action if they did not pay taxes.

    The churches, who are major landowners in the Holy Land, say they do not pay property taxes under longstanding tradition.

    The Jerusalem municipality told The Associated Press that the church had not submitted the necessary requests for tax exemptions over the last few years.

    In 2018, Christians closed the Church of the Holy Sepulchre — revered by Christians as the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection — to protest a move by Israeli officials to impose taxes on commercial properties in the holy city.

    The original article contains 446 words, the summary contains 193 words. Saved 57%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The birth of wildcat kittens in the Cairngorms national park has been hailed as a “major milestone” in efforts to rescue the secretive mammals from extinction in the UK.

    In footage exclusively shared with the Guardian by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), two of the kittens can be seen playing in grassland with their mother and leaping on to a fallen tree branch.

    Wildcats may look distinctive with their muscular bodies, flat faces and thick, blunt tails, but their brown, black and buff camouflage stripes and secretive habits make them difficult to monitor.

    The team has been able to gather a large amount of data, learning about den sites, habitat and food preference: as well as their staple diet of mice and voles, these cats have been hunting rabbits and even adult hares.

    The project has been sharing tracking data with local gamekeepers – many of the release sites traverse managed estates where predator control is a threat – in an attempt to develop ways in which humans and wildcats can coexist.

    With wildcats living in closer proximity to people than expected, and feral cats common around farms, the potential for hybridisation remains high and the team is eager to analyse its fresh data.

    The original article contains 655 words, the summary contains 206 words. Saved 69%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Data elsewhere show fewer opportunities for people to fill software development and tech roles after the US labor market is no longer as hot as it was a few years ago.

    “The tech job market has undeniably slowed since the end of 2022, cooling after a few years of rapid hiring during the pandemic recovery,” Daniel Zhao, Glassdoor’s lead economist, said in a written statement.

    “Rising interest rates, the end of pandemic-era trends and a slowing economy overall has crimped demand for tech workers.”

    “There was a slowdown in software developer hires in 2020, and then we had a couple bounce backs, and I think that’s reflective of how the pandemic really spurred this increase into digital service offerings,” Richardson said.

    Nick Bunker, economic research director for North America at the Indeed Hiring Lab, told BI, “it’s unlikely we’ll see levels of demand like we saw in '21, in '22 for software development anytime soon.”

    Data from Handshake, a platform where students can look for work, suggests a cooler demand for software developers or engineers.

    The original article contains 775 words, the summary contains 175 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Democrats’ attempts to woo content creators and their fans reached a natural conclusion on Friday, when the Democratic National Convention Committee opened up media credentials to influencers for its big convention this summer.

    This time, however, DNC organizers say they’ll give content creators logistical assistance and access to “surrogates and VIPs” at the convention, which will take place at Chicago’s United Center.

    The organization says it will also offer “convention video clips and content to creators and traditional media alike who will cover the event remotely.”

    While the DNCC cast the decision as “leveling the playing field between creators and traditional media,” the group’s primary motivation seems to be reaching the roughly 33% percent of young people who regularly get their news on TikTok, per a November Pew Research study.

    President Joe Biden’s campaign debuted on the widely popular social network in February, while efforts to force a sale of the Chinese-owned service were ramping up.

    “When Americans tune in to our convention this summer, whether they’re watching on television or they’re anywhere — scrolling on their phones, they’re going to see President Biden lay out his historic record of progress and bold vision for the future,” the DNCC said in an ad inviting creators to email them for credentials.

    The original article contains 285 words, the summary contains 210 words. Saved 26%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A few weeks ago, Patrick Jones, Meg Ulman, and their 11-year-old son, Woody, were waking to icy cold winter mornings at their home in Daylesford, in central Victoria.

    In an age where giving lifts to strangers is mostly advised against, this family sees it as their preferred option to get to India, for environmental and social reasons.

    Mr Jones and Ms Ulman do not own a car, have not been overseas in 20 years, and wanted to show their son the world, in the least polluting way possible.

    Their longest lift in Australia was with an Adelaide man who was moving to Darwin to work as a truck driver for Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory.

    Mr Jones and his partner used to work full-time, but decided to change their lifestyles about 20 years ago, after finding they were “pretty much unhappy”.

    “After many conversations with locals, it was becoming increasingly apparent that crewing a boat for a family-of-three with no sailing experience was a bit of a pipe dream,” the family wrote on their blog.

    The original article contains 705 words, the summary contains 176 words. Saved 75%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!