betelgeuse [comrade/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 15th, 2022


  • Israel is not Judaism and it’s not an ethnic group by your own admission. The idea that the Jewish people employ dark magic rituals that murder and consume children is antisemitic. The idea that the police and military of Israel, with the public at broad’s supports, kills children in the interest of national security is not.

    We can distinguish between the two. You don’t seem to separate them, which is antisemitic.

  • A little math here…if Democrats aren’t acting like Republicans then how do we keep getting so many Republicans in power? Like how is not acting like Republicans working out for Democrats? Obamacare has been torn apart. There’s no action on climate change other than lessening the amount of permits to drill. We’re not safer than ever from the worst Republicans. The worst person in the world was just President before Biden. So what gives? How does not keeping the party in line help us? What are we preserving if Trump can be President? Okay our anti-authoritarianism is intact. But we keep getting authoritarians…

    You ever just think about stuff like that? Put the things you think on trial and see how they worked out in actual history? You ever go outside and look around and try to apply what you think to the real world?

  • US collapse is going to be slow. We’re going to dwindle into corrupt fiefdoms led by various wealthy families and individuals. These people will be in various overt states of war and treaty, just like olden times. As it becomes more obvious we are nothing like the liberal ideal of America, they will further entrench themselves in patriotic and nationalist decoherence. Some will perform a ritual where they dress up as the Founders and pretend to be them, warping history around their present. Some will turn to Lincoln, JFK, Obama as the focus of their nationalist emanation. These strange outbursts of black comedy will be punctuated by bouts of violence. Domestic terrorist attacks, organized crime.

    We’ll slowly become a reflection of our projections against the global south. A third-world country with world-leading poverty and a corrupt government funded by foreign capitalists trying to keep The American Project going long enough to finally defeat communism.

  • Now, if someone could link a study to make me otherwise that’d be great.

    That’s not how burden of proof works. You’re not correct until other people prove you wrong. If you’re going to have a strong conviction on this, then it’s your duty to be informed. You should be able to back up what you claim. Otherwise you’re asking everyone else to be well-sourced except for yourself. You make the claim, you provide the studies.

    You can come at me at whatever angle but it’s a fact that males at birth genetically have more strength than females.
    For example, males at birth have stronger bones, tendons, ligaments, and mean height difference of 5.1 inches.

    What does that mean? Who is making newborns lift weights to test their strength? Males at birth barely have bones because they’re still forming and solidifying. What are you talking about? What is genetic strength?